• #28
• #30
• #31
sainsbury had some easter hot cross buns, now thats WTF!! i bought some though, yummy!
• #32
I'm very hungover - and need some urgent advice on Salsa dancing? What is Salsa? is it this:
• #33
This thread has left me feeling discombobulated.
• #34
dave, you really haven't helped the discombobulation
• #35
Watch out, Antidisestablishmentarialism started like this
• #36
which would lead to cases of pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
• #37
woow! i've used the longest English word on the forum!!
dave do i get a prize?? -
• #38
not unless you are suffering from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
• #39
th only problem is that this is all, due to my decision via Floccinaucinihilipilification, pointless.
• #40
The joys of Google, eh?
• #41
that was all from my brain case!
• #42
• #43
I got the last one from wankipedia, but I already knew the first.
despite many views to the contrary, I am an erudite fellow.
• #44
i thought you were just a cunninglinguist!
surely is not are.
WTF language are you speaking.