• #27
line it up and cut right?
• #28
yeah, but it's got this weird 3 way adjustment thing. not just a smaller one made bigger ;)
• #29
im shure if you let that fat aussie at it, something will get cut...
• #30
na, vegs, if you let him at it, it'll end up going through a window
• #31
just send me the vid, so i can enjoy it
• #32
I had same problem many yrs ago when young and foolish. Snapped the forks on my Sun GT10XL trying a BMX jump, but luckily found a frame dumped in the park a week later. The salvaged forks had a too long steerer / insufficient threading. Being a teenaged proto-bodger I just used a big jubilee clip as a spacer. Worked just fine, despite looking like shite.
(This is not a recommendation, in case you were wondering). -
• #33
can't be that hard, just get an old pair of shitty forks, practice, cut a bit more off, then try again.
• #34
For future reference, Apex in Clapham couldn't do it, but reckoned bikefix in Lambs Conduit street would, Edwardes in Camberwell couldn't do it but said Witcombs would, ended up asking in Evans at the Cut and surprise, surprise! they're doing it as I write this-(15 quid though!) Cheers.
• #35
Just received a reply from Witcombs to an email I sent them about this problem, this is their answer-
''Thank you for contacting us. We can indeed undertake the job but the extent of our intervention would depend on how much the steerer is too long. The rethreading would cost £20/per inch.
It might however be easier and quicker to replace it. This would cost £45.''
I could do this job easily if I had the tools, these people are s'posed to be skilled mechanics! Easier! Quicker! about a 30 minute job!
So that would make me worth 180quid-if you get my drift! Cos mines already threaded!
• #36
Is it possible to attach an AHead style stem to a 1" fork?
Is there such a thing as 1" stem (ahead not quill).Finding it difficult to track down a big die outside london's famous london.
A plumber friend of mine reckons he might be able to do it, though....will update if this turns out to be a viable solution -
• #37
some 1 1/8 stems come with a shim to use with a 1inch.
• #38
Bikehut in St Pauls, we'll do it for you, not sure about labour, won't be too much.
• #39
nah, mitre saw.
simple as, as long as its not threaded.
I'm about to attempt this operation, but the offending fork is threaded. Does that mean I shouldn't be cutting myself?
• #40
Don't cut yourself man, just talk about it. Talking helps.
• #41
Just go for it, I did mine with a decent hacksaw. Just make sure you cut straight and at the right length ;-) use a file to tidy up threads... and do what stupidpony recommends, leave lock ring on to help sort thread out.
• #42
Don't cut yourself man, just talk about it. Talking helps.
Does it. DOES IT.
Thanks everyone I'm gonna cut myself this weekend.
• #43
measure twice, cut once.
• #44
I'm about to attempt this operation, but the offending fork is threaded. Does that mean I shouldn't be cutting myself?
How much needs to be removed?
Will you have enough threads left?
• #45
you can always re-cut threads.
• #46
only if you got a big tap :)
• #47
only if you got a big tap :)
• #48
• #49
• #50
My lbs has the baddest tool for cutting fork steerers. It's kind of a V-shape, has a little circular blade on one end of the V. You put the steerer in the tool and turn a knob to clamp the blade onto the steerer. You then turn the tool until it feels like it's coming loose, and when this happens you tighten the knob again. You repeat this until it's cut through the fork. I was surprised how quickly it cut through a steel steerer. And it was smooth as fuck! I'll post a pic tomorrow unless anyone knows what tool I'm on about in which case they might be able to post a pic...
roberto has the tool, but doesn't know how to use it! :p