• #8527
Has your social media echo-chamber been compromised? :-)
I was reading some fun blogs on hollow-earth 'theory' the other day. It was pretty funny - lots of good 'therefores' going on.
• #8528
I've got a friend who takes a little too much interest in things like that - 'Flat Earthers' especially. All these guys seem to focus on is discrediting the existing theory rather than supporting their own with any sort of evidence - a common conspiracy theorist trait. They also never seem to be experts in any remotely connected field.
• #8529
Thimerosal melts steel beams.
• #8530
Isn't it tho! I'm not even THAT bothered about not getting one, it's the principal of people not giving a fuck, like that bit in Kings X where there's a barrier between the large stairs to channel people during rush hour, you still get loads of cunts walking against the traffic on the wrong side of the barrier, I'm like what's so special about youse ya bastad!
• #8531
Haha :D
• #8532
Ah, flat earth. That's a classic one, isn't it? I love all the photographic 'evidence' they trot out. Stuff like 'this photograph clearly shows the horizon as a straight line whereas if the earth was a sphere it would be curved'. well, lens distortion, and also wouldn't the horizon be a much more exaggerated curve if the earth was a disc? But hey, I'm no expert.
• #8533
See, I prefer to not have an echo chamber, hence people rarely get removed for bits and bobs, you can't ever agree a 100% :)
It's just a bit disappointing they buy things that really are plain BS.Have a read on religious apology if you like "therefores" it's a nice field of "I read this thing on philosophy, therefore my god, not the other ones, is true and prayers are answered" :P
• #8534
Ikea parent and child parking right now
1 Attachment
• #8535
It happens.
• #8536
These people (usually male) that think that their mobile phone conversations must be heard by everyone in the open plan office by walking around to do it.
• #8538
You could fit a newborn in that little box at the back I reckon
• #8539
• #8540
The undercover that say, "But all lives matter".
• #8541
Morgana Robinson having seen the trailers.
• #8542
Just comedy, these days.
• #8543
Obama and his lies
• #8544
Idiots that can understand the yellow paint on the floor outside schools is not for parking but not grasp their own exclusion....Irrespective of whether your child goes to the school or not.
• #8545
Obama again?
• #8546
• #8547
• #8548
I guess I'm being thick. What am I missing?
• #8549
I was suggesting that Obama is the subject of both of your posts
• #8550
Selfish prick parking outside the school on his cellphone...
They're not quite the same thing. His recent speech imploring people to turn out and vote and how'd he'd take it personally if they didn't, suddenly blacking it up was sickening. The man that couldn't bring himself to say the names of the numerous victims of the Race soldiers posing as police inc Philandro Castille [an innocent killed following police orders, having told them he was licensed and armed...in an open carry state], yet wanted to lecture about the merits of law and order in terms of potential social unrest due to the huge numbers of corpses turning up. I'm yet to hear him talk about pushing for convictions of these animals in uniform. More have died under obamas watch than throughout the fucking 60s civil rights era. FUCK HIM.
Anti-vaccination and 9/11 truther BS on my Facebook page.
These pockets of irrationality in for the rest usually reasonably rational people irk me immensely.