• #4927
That my forks don't fit my new frame.
• #4928
The website it stress inducing. Props for not flying though.
I don't know what what props means
It was fine until I wanted to throw money at them...
Isn't props an alternative to "totally like way to go"?
• #4929
I thought props was slang for support, as in "I support your decision to travel by train" or "Props for the train"
• #4930
I think in proper english it would be support, and its been Americanised into "I support you" and then from that into "totally like way to go"
• #4931
i hate people that think, implied nazi salutes are comical.
• #4932
i hate people that think, implied nazi salutes are comical.
It dosesn't look implied to me the the guy looks convincingly nazi and offensive (as the comments note)
nazi impressions can be funny though
• #4933
nazi impressions can be funny though[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfl6Lu3xQW0&p=466B3231FB20D639&playnext=1&index=77"][/URL
sorry if i missed something.
• #4934
It dosesn't look implied to me the the guy looks convincingly nazi and offensive (as the comments note)
nazi impressions can be funny though
YouTube- Basil Fawlty waits on the Germans - Fawlty Towers - BBC
sorry if i missed something.
Well to me t he sketch is funny .... john cleese making the point about how offensive people find implied nazi impressions....by doing a hitler imperssonation
• #4935
Not having a capo and using a pen and some string, It hurts to tie up.
• #4936
Deciding to go out on a home visit and the sky suddenly looking really moody. Rain jacket, it is.
• #4937
i hate the fact that i am probably the last person to have known about this phenomenon. bizarre these popular things that happen around us that we know nothing about. i feel sheltered.
i stumbled across it looking for a handbook on the web. that is the truth.
• #4938
I love the bit where she presses down on the brake, "Oh yeah, rev it! The other pedal you dozy bint!"
• #4939
my lbs who makes you buy tools instead of them spending one minute on a job.
• #4940
my lbs who makes you buy tools instead of them spending one minute on a job.
He's got a point though
What's the point of keep going back to the LBS when you have a 'one minute' job anyone can do
Own Tools, Own Jobs = Piss easy!
• #4941
He's got a point though
What's the point of keep going back to the LBS when you have a 'one minute' job anyone can do
Own Tools, Own Jobs = Piss easy!
That's fair enough, owning secific tools gives power to the people so you're not at the bike shops mercy,i'm all about that...
but when you're the only person in the shop, they arern't very forthcoming to give any assistance and their response is always what's minimal effrot for them.
• #4942
You're right, they should just lay it all on for free. And why stop there? Why not just give away all the stock?
• #4943
manners cost nothing
• #4944
I hate getting new bar tape in the post, getting in the mood to apply it, then when I peel the backing off the adhesive it came away instead of leaving the sticky on the tape.
Kinda like setting up for a posh wank, then realising the internet's down.
• #4945
How do you set up for a posh wank?
• #4946
i hate not going to wests
• #4947
Well, it depends how posh you're feeling...
• #4948
Well, it depends how posh you're feeling...
A truly posh wank would normally involve an erotic dance performed by the twin sons/daughters* of which-ever count/countess is hosting the hunting weekend you're attending, while your valet blows Columbia's finest export up your butt and your butler brings you off with a skill aquired through performing this act for the three generations of your family he has served. Probably.
I might have just dreamt it.
*delete as applicable/available.
• #4949
bastion of truth, urban dictionary states:
- posh wank
To masturbate having first gone to the trouble of donning a condom. The idea being that the extra time, effort, financial investment and ceremony involved separate this from a base, brutal or "lower" wank - the ocassion suggested by wearing a condom would usually only arise in company, and more specifically for pentrative sex with a special other.
- posh wank
• #4950
I was just talking of a pleasuremax and some tingle lube... Ha. Butler? You iz ded posh you innit!
The website it stress inducing. Props for not flying though.
I don't know what what props means