• #15677
vanilla soyghurt, greek yoghurt, jumbo oats, soya milk: something to eat AND a bonding coat for ad-hoc wall repairs
• #15678
One wonders if Weetabix would have helped in the pineapple juice on cereal era.
• #15679
Carlton Kirby
• #15680
How much milk could he soak up?
• #15681
Mini shredded wheat every time for me so I really should have the milk quantity sussed by now.
Thinking about it, I ness up the sugar quantity too. I think it’s a classic example of negative outcome adoption where you complete a task wrongly so many times that that’s the method you learn. -
• #15682
TBF, Wheatabix and milk would be quicker, cheaper and just as effective.
• #15683
does anyone else do milk first, then cereal? or am I a psychopath?
Interested in your response to this thread:
https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/360753/ -
• #15684
All the oat chat and no-one mentioned Granola? Bonus points if home made.
• #15685
I blame the Cereal Killer Cafe (RIP*).
Rest In PebblesTM
• #15686
This feels like a betrayal of trust, but my wife has granola with yoghurt. It’s almost nice, but a bit gloopy. Plus it kind of triggers a very specific phobia that I’ve had since childhood.
• #15687
granola with yoghurt
Confessions thread ---> it is my breakfast most days too. I still expected it to feature in the oat posts here hence my mention. I buy it, life is too short for prep on that faff scale.
Which is? Fear of granola in yoghurt?
• #15688
Normal, isn't it? Yoghurt with granola available at any snacks on the go outlet. Pret, Boots, M&S etc
• #15689
Golf club bar territory...
• #15690
well, cured weetabix/milk mix = MDF, basically.
as a kid I always preferred the more malty (probably sugary?) own brand ‘wheat bisks’. Could happily work through a wrap of those given enough milk.
• #15691
Cup of coffee and a cigarette. Maybe a nice poo and a wank, not necessarily in that order.
• #15692
Rolled oats don’t have the same nutrients available to the body as soaked and slow cooked steel cut. That’s what I’ve read anyway.
• #15693
Jumble it up and you get a shit coffee with man milk.
• #15694
Sir, this is a Starbucks.
• #15695
Rolled oats would have the same nutritional content as nothing has been removed during the processing from steel cut to rolled (just steamed and flattened). They would likely have more nutrients available to the body if anything, as they've been effectively pre-digested a bit. However, rolled have been shown to elevate blood glucose more rapidly than steel cut, which can have negative effects in the long run. My feeling though is that they're bloody oats, not doughnuts, so the difference is probably not to be worried about unless you're diabetic/pre-diabetic.
• #15696
After today's crap commentating on Fleche Wallone I reckon I could get a gallon into him with a large enough hammer...
• #15697
Ah fuck, just got in from work and was looking forward to 'live' coverage of Fleche and now you tell me it's Cunton Cuntby. He should be fed through the rolled oats machine, saturated with rancid rat milk and fed to cockroaches.
• #15698
Don't forget this is the "I hate" thread!
This could be read out of context. -
• #15699
I lasted 10 mins in an attempt to listen to Adam Blythe talk sense but it was no use...
Oh, that sweet, sweet mute button! -
• #15700
The heat used in processing is key to the difference, high heat can affect nutrients. Steel cut oats are denser and have both soluble and insoluble fibre that is a boon to regular, healthy shits.
Being lower on the glycemic index shouldn’t be discounted either considering modern eating habits.
Two weetabix, layer of cheerios, topping of tesco no added salt/sugar muesli. Now there's a milk sump, and currently my breakfast/lunch combo during the week.