• #13127
Cereal. Just eat some fucking toast.
• #13128
I eat cereal most days. Toast doesn't keep you full for as long.
• #13129
Oh on that note, I hate developing a weird allergy to raw nuts and seeds that limits my choice of cereals.
• #13130
100% rye bread is a v slow release car.
• #13131
Maybe take the handbrake off.
• #13132
Gastric flu.
• #13133
Seconded being ill at Xmas. It sucks should be riding a bike right now. Flu followed by 5 days of cluster migraine.
Fucking Joy
• #13134
The silver lining is that I was one kilo away from my weight loss target for this year and this has helped me smash that :D
• #13135
Innit, I'm on the recovery side of being ill but still snottierthanususualotter.
• #13136
I hate developing a weird allergy to raw nuts and seeds that limits my choice of cereals
Just have toast with crunchy peanut butter on it.
Oh. Wait...
• #13137
Have you tried sumatriptan? It's an anti migraine medication. I think you get them OTC now, not cheap but I've had some success after episodic migraines my whole life.
Not sure how they fair with clusters but worth a shot? -
• #13138
I read about that..cheers. I have found that staying as fit as possible has worked a treat for the past 10 years. I have just gone through a major career and routine change as well as a stomach ulcer, that has messed up my diet and my ability to maintain a good training routine. I think once I get back on an even keel I should be able to fend them off. But will look at the sumatriptan option thanks.
• #13139
I can have peanuts and peanut butter thank fuck!
• #13140
Forgetting to take a knife away to a holiday gaff and having to make a mirepoix with the £2.99 Tesco knife from the drawer.
• #13141
Checking the car tire pressures
Hunched over on the grubby floor, fumbling desperately before the time runs out.
And its now a quid for 5 mins
• #13142
that there are two types of cantilever brakes and that the studs on my fork work with one and not the other.
• #13143
Forgetting to take a knife away to a holiday gaff and having to make a mirepoix with the £2.99 Tesco knife from the drawer.
I always take a knife, but I am tempted to start taking a whetstone.
• #13144
Checking the car tire pressures
Hunched over on the grubby floor, fumbling desperately before the time runs out.
And its now a quid for 5 mins
Treat yo self:
• #13145
Should be buying a compressor for proper treat yo self
• #13146
I hate seeing the black logo.
I respect it, I just want to never have to see it. -
• #13147
People who think it’s ok to dump a load of stale bread in a public space because “it’s for the birds”.
Fuck you, no it isn’t - you are just feeding vermin.
• #13148
It's also not particularly great for birds - it fills them up but has little nutritional value for them
• #13149
Even worse - the people who rock up with a load of new, fresh bread and dump it "for the birds".
• #13150
cunts chucking whole slices into the canal for the birds
Being ill at Christmas.
Visiting the in-laws in France for Christmas, been in bed for the last 3 days on a course of antibiotics. Humbug.