• #11652
It has been rather warm in here
• #11653
recipes which say cups rather than actual measurements
• #11654
People who hark back to imperial measures with fondness and think subdividing units into 6, 12, 14, 16, etc at random made a whole lot of sense and was easy to remember. The fondness is, in fact, a coping strategy to mask the memories of repeated beating they received from serial abusers employed in the teaching profession when, as infants, they failed to grasp and memorise such a stuuuupid system.
Dilusionary 0.5 wits every one of them. -
• #11655
100g of flour is easier than 1 cup of flour
• #11656
Back in the early '80s a mate of mine dealing with an aged Physics tutor at University, expressed the power of a laser he used in his experiments in horsepower per furlong.
• #11657
And there are about ten different fucking standards for cups in recipes.
• #11658
Cups are good if the entire recipe is in cups because then you just pick any container you like and you don't need to weigh anything. You could use a wheelie bin and the ratios would still be right (you might have to adjust cooking time)
If it says "1 cup of flour, 1 egg" you're fucked though. A wheelie bin of flour with one egg in it, no one's gonna eat that.
• #11659
Also, fractions are no good when you’re dealing with infinites. Which I often do when cooking.
• #11660
where is your god now?
• #11661
You cant measure half cups, quarter cups etc accurately. There is no circumstance where a cup is a sensible unit of measurement.
• #11662
Plus volume doesn't work well when measuring non liquid stuff.
• #11663
This is why American chocolate tastes of sick
• #11664
Yes, sick is a lot more by volume than it is by weight.
• #11665
It also settles when you store it for a long time.
• #11666
It never lasts long round my house
• #11667
Sick is just rehydrated parmesan cheese.
• #11668
People who haven’t bothered to learn the NATO alphabet.
I hate hearing cunts at work on the phone saying ‘D for dog. I for... um... igloo’ etc.
• #11669
Can't understand not trying.
• #11670
's just old units like ounces 'n' shit, as above.
Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog ... went out of use in about the 50s.
• #11671
Whence you multiply your cake up to the lowest common multiple and either make a fuck-off cake that serves 72 people or use a shot glass for your cups
• #11672
In China we use Jin to measure things - one jin is approximately 500g so suddenly my weight appears to double and everyone's like wow you weigh over 100, so fat. Fuck off I'm significantly taller than all of you.
Also one jin isn't exactly 500g, it's something like 450g. In Taiwan they use the real jins and on the mainland we just pretend it's 500g - so why not just use the real metric system given that these are fake jin?
Niche rant I know.
• #11673
I actually came here to say that I really, really, really hate Chinese internet and the Great Firewall and the fact that every VPN is down right now cos of the IMPORTANT ANNIVERSARY THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN next week.
• #11674
Also one jin isn't exactly 500g, it's something like 450g.
Isn't that basically equivalent to a pound (lbs) then? Because that's 453.592g according to google.
I understand the frustration about not using the full metric system though.
• #11675
In NL (and also I think in Germanophone Europe?) they have metricated version of customary measures, so 'pond' is 500g, 'ons' is 100g, etc. Only ever heard them used for foodstuffs, whether in recipes or ordering at the deli counter.
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