• #52
That's depends on what turns people on I guess.
Another idea for the shirt could be to have all those silly fixed slogans printed all over the shirt.. chaos style.
• #53
**Gears For Life!
Make Mine A Double!
N Gears Are Better Than One!
{where N= infinity}More Gears = More Beers!
Singles Are SAD!**
stuff like that?
• #54
Yeah, but given the nature of the forum.. more like 'gears are for queers' and 'if it ain't fixed it's sounding like a broken record' or whatever..
• #55
or somthing about pink shirts or city w*nkers........
• #56
"Jim'll fix it", with appropriate fixed paraphernalia
• #57
hehe like..
'if it ain't fixed.. it's less likely to cut the fingers off a city w@nker and hose his pink shirt down with his own blood' ? -
• #58
i feel the urge to write that laughing think but i cant!
both are funny:) -
• #59
"fixed paraphernalia" is that like drug paraphernalia?
So there'd be dirty chain whips, bike scales, baggies of spoke nipples, shared spanners.. -
• #60
yeah, syringes full of.... bikes? grease?
instead of a bent spoon, some appropriate bike part.... i think i should research this by taking lots of drugs, as my current knowledge is severely limited :)
• #61
I'd suggest starting with the heavy hitters first.. paracetamol, ibuprofen, maybe a dab of aspirin..
• #62
"Derrailleurs are for failures" and save the small T-Shirts for the girls ;)
• #63
This is the design I have
• #64
We need to get slaam and spoke-card crew onto this.
Actually, their recent silence is either a result of not being able to logon after the server move or their work on a t-shirt design to end all t-shirt designs.. ? -
• #65
The idea on that shirt is good but the typeface is terrible! It reminds me of junior school because they used that typeface everywhere (and comic sans, ergh!)
I like "derailleurs are for failures" :)
• #66
n can not equal infinity.
• #67
hippy "fixed paraphernalia" is that like drug paraphernalia?
So there'd be dirty chain whips, bike scales, baggies of spoke nipples, shared spanners..Reminds me of something I wrote for hubjub-Will: http://www.63xc.com/scarlett/bringme.htm
• #68
lets do the stella can design on the t-shirts it was third in the spoke card design comp it deserves and outing
I happen to have 50 blank white Tshirts in S M and L. Paid 60 quid for them last summer with the idea of getting something printed on them and selling them for a profit. They've just sat in a box for a year, haha. Maybe I should donate them to this noble cause? Theyre pretty naff quality though, I can see my nipples through the small size.
Not exactly making them sound enticing, am i :(