• #27
can send it to me Tommo I can host it. my email's in my account profile.
• #28
I've got the GPS route now. I've no idea what to do with it but if anyone wants it...whisper to me...thats not a come on by the way ;-)
• #29
Tommo's London-Cambridge Map: http://www.thehippy.net/gallery/albums/Maps/CambridgeLARGE2.JPG
• #30
MA3K I would like to do this too but Saturdays are out for me. Any chance of a Sunday?
How is the A10 for cycling? Anyone got any good back-roads?
I've cycled up the A10 a couple of times. It's pretty busy and has some dual-carriageway bits but is fine to ride on. The only real problem is it's damn bloody boring. The route Tommo posted up there looks quite fun. If I sat down with a map I could work out a fun route as well, I grew up South of Cambridge so know the area quite well.
• #31
Nominate mdja as ride leader/navigator. All those in favour say aye. :)
• #32
Haha nice... I shouldn't have spoken! Depends if I'm around on the allotted day innit :)
• #33
Do we have a date for this?
• #34
ps. If I planned a route I would take it over all the hills.
• #35
arses. tried plotting an innerestin route on bikely (incl. the classic approach to Cambridge via Grantchester Meadows) and it wouldn't save. Invalid elevation data or sommat.
• #36
mdja: Maybe your route involved too much climbing? :)
mashton: Aug 26th was looking favourable.
• #37
Cambridge - I've never been there either.
26th is cool for me.
To save us getting bored on the return a circuitous route would be best - anyone?
I moved over here ten years ago to work and as a consequence of how damn much it cost to travel any place in the UK have always taken holidays overseas so if anyone has good country fixed/ss rides on Sundays planned give me a shout. -
• #38
shall we start the, by now, mandatory list?
- hippy
- mashton
- hippy
• #39
- hippy
- mashton
- MA3K
-- yes
- hippy
• #40
have ridden london to cambridge a few times as it was the nearest countryside when living in the eastend (the place they described as a bandit country on the dunwich ride) but if it's the 26th then can't make it. there are some great pubs along the way as previous people have said. and it is a flat ride also
• #41
OK so I was playing around with possible routes, just trying to include some of the highlights and fun stuff on the way...
Of course, having grown up in the area I would pick the "rustic" options - so if anyone follows the above they'd expect lots of pretty villages, a few deviations down farm tracks, the springs at Ashwell, a fine view of Wimpole Hall, a fast run into town, swinging round the cyclists classic Garret Hostel lane, the famous view along the Backs, Grantchester Meadows (footpath/cyclepath), some probably-navigable dirt roads, the infamous Chapel Hill (where I got my climbers legs from), the rather shitty Edge of Essex, and a slow bumpy cruise along the Lea Valley towpath.
Hmm. Yes, I am a bit of a bastard.
Anyway, I'll have to check and see if I'm around on the 26th before I say any more :-)
• #42
And I tell you what: when we arrive I reckon we should go punting. I used to be a right dab hand, back in me student days...
• #43
You punt.
• #44
Ra Ra Ra
(sorry: Ha Ha Ha)
• #45
Yeah, I'm not bad at punting either... We'd need to get twice the boats though - one for the peeps and one for the bikes. and take the punts down the rollers (fun).
• #46
Bikes in punts, that sounds like a grand idea.
And of course the rollers, it's not the same otherwise. But, once over the roller's, the draw to Grantchester becomes strong and before you know it, you're fucked on cider and about 3 hours away from Cambridge. In fact, not sure now why I started that sentence with a 'but'.
• #47
Probably cause you're fucked on cider...
• #48
Well, I'm still waiting on confirmation on a press pass for Reading festival, but it's looking unlikely that I'll get it this year. Just been speaking to a friend and he's got play on in Cambridge so I'm thinking I'll ride up there with you lot and stay for his play (gotta support your mates and all that).
This ride still going ahead?
• #49
It's in the diary (as of 5 seconds ago) and we have a list of attendees up there ^^ so methinks.. yes.
Had to page didn't it! Sheesh.. "back there" left-angle-bracket left-angle-bracket
• #50
I guessing no-one will want to join me, but the play is Private Lives by Noel Coward if anyone is up for it. Details here: http://www.eulalieproductions.com/
hippy: wtf is << ?
That route has the best named village in the world on it: "Ickleton". Ahhhhh, so sweeet. I rode through it on my previous ride - it had a nice pub as I recall.
I am looking forward to this ride. I am gutted by how many I have had to miss.