• #12602
100% absurdbird
• #12603
I love that Dave Yates
Thanks! I bought it from here.
• #12604
Dibs if you sell :p
(i probably won't be able to afford...)
• #12605
• #12606
Bloody hell, your legs look longer than mine, love the bike man.
• #12607
Cheers, I swear my legs aren't that long in real life, the looks freakish in that photo.
• #12608
• #12609
What about him?
• #12610
He's watching us!
• #12611
You Indra... Always!
• #12612
When are we gonna see your bikes and faces? We all know you have about 4 of each ;)
• #12613
Love you really be home soon.
• #12614
ha <3 u2 bbz
• #12615
Like that jacket. What is it?
• #12617
Thought it looked expensive
• #12618
What bars are those?
• #12619
Damn that's an expensive jacket, but I bet it's lovely to ride in
• #12620
What bars are those?
Specialized risers
Damn that's an expensive jacket, but I bet it's lovely to ride in
That it is, the vents are massive. A world apart from my old sprayway pvc jacket, felt like I was riding in a binbag compared to this.
• #12621
last year, somewhere in italy, climbing hills
1 Attachment
• #12622
If you squint it looks like the water bottles are your tiny little legs and that you're sitting on the fence there.
• #12623
He is squinting, but I think that's because he's squeezing out sparks.
• #12624
^^ rep
• #12625
New shit has come to light since I last did this.
Road bike:
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8377/8504702842_e3969c8571_z.jpgNewly de-profanitised track bike:
http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p592/tommmmmmmc/IMAG0340_zpsaa65228c.jpg??? bike
http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p592/tommmmmmmc/Lexpres%20fiets/DSCF3986_zps9080dd97.jpgEveryday bike:
I love that Dave Yates