• #627
^ he knows h'es just being a cunt.
Not sure if this is a repost, but like the shut up woman get on my horse flash, i've had it playing in the background for the past 15 mins or so.
• #628
here's an intersting news article in the states at the moment, however I can't work out if I'm massively offended by it or find it funny.
The acting is top notch.
• #629
come on.. must be fake?
• #630
It's Gay to Smoke Campaign (US) Onion News
- New Anti-Smoking Ads Warn Teens 'It's Gay To Smoke'[/ame] -
• #633
Rude Tube is on ch4 if anyone is interested <3
• #634
Of course
• #635
Rude Tube is on ch4 if anyone is interested <3
always makes me scream
love it
• #640
Sick but the first time I saw it I thought it was funny.
• #641
appologies if re (insert number of required re's here) post
• #642
LaLiLuLeLo - Adult Swim FTW!
• #645
come on.. must be fake?
does seem like a hoax, i mean come on 1 in a million is quite a lot for something as fucked up as that. she seems to have picked and chosen various symptoms. if this was an actual thing that happened to one in a million people getting flu shot don't you think it would be pulled?
• #646
Not exactly a funny video, but it's an awesome one that for some reason, I can watch over and over again:
• #647
shane sings 5 octaves on piano[/ame] -
• #649
that "fih octaves on the Peeanna" is funny as...
lost track so sorry if[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74ksF39L6mM"]YouTube-
crackhead singing at funeral[/ame] is a repostamen
• #650
don't care if it's a re-post, [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChcTPFILIvs"]YouTube-
Strange Dating Video[/ame] is great....you're a winner Steven Morris