• #4677
Going to see It's a Wonderful Life at cinema tonight
Great film, off to see it on Xmas eve.
• #4678
Prometheus trailer's trailer...
WTF? Why does a trailer now need a fucking trailer..
• #4679
^ exactly. what else has that director fucking done that makes him so special?
• #4680
For anyone that likes architecture and film, this should be good. Based on Mike Mill's 'Architecture of Reassurance'.
• #4681
It's very much a meh blockbuster, it's a prequel to the original, but what I don't get is how everything lOok modern despite being set in 1982, what give? And please don't use American character when it shouldve been fully Norwegian.
The most exciting part of the movie is the ending credit, goddamn that Left me with a huge grin on my face right down to the choice of music.
Totally worth watching the entire slightly repititive movie just for that.
It was stupid at the end tho, as it was a totally different helicopter from the original, they could have at least went with a similar colour style...
• #4682
I never seen it before.
Want to watch it in cinema but the likeihood of that to happen is as lOw as finding hen's teeth.
• #4685
so glad they decided to brake it up into two parts
• #4686
Bit of a film marathon day.
Ideas Of March 7/10 Good but Clooney has done far superior political films (Syriana, Good night, good luck)
I quite liked it too. Gosling was great, but Clooney is always just Clooney, his characters doesn't change much
• #4687
It was stupid at the end tho, as it was a totally different helicopter from the original, they could have at least went with a similar colour style...
Have not notice the helicopter, maybe budget reason/time mean they can no longer find or hire the same type of helicopter?
The music really distracted me as well as the way the ending credit flash.
• #4688
That bit where Burt Reynolds stood in for Joel Edgerton was fucking stupid too.
• #4689
Have not notice the helicopter, maybe budget reason/time mean they can no longer find or hire the same type of helicopter?
The music really distracted me as well as the way the ending credit flash.
The helicopter was nearly identical, same markings/colour.
Would it really have been a better film if they had anally recreated every last bit? No.
I thought it was OK. The bit with Edgerton was pretty chilling, I'm glad they didn't copy the end of the the original.
Without characters like Childs/MacReady it was always going to struggle
• #4690
Heh, just notice your avatar.
It would have been good if it wasn't so repetitive and modern looking, the latter put me off sometime rotten.
• #4691
Welcome to Collingwood. It's ace.
• #4692
Looks like I may be sans TV for Christmas as the aerial cable is rotten....
So now downloading Christmas (ish) films a plenty - so far
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Scrooge (1951)
GremlinsAny others?
• #4693
Holiday Inn
Home Alone
Miracle on 34th StAnd any amount of similar shite
• #4694
Uncle Buck
• #4695
planes, trains and auto mobiles
• #4696
I miss John Candy
• #4697
Trading Places
• #4698
Bad Santa
Where the wild things are
Home Alone 1 and 2 -
• #4699
quite disappointing trailer
is it because old mens penises get smaller?
• #4700
Xmas films:
Die Hard
I can lend you the DVD if you like. My brother lives around the corner from your place of employment.