• #8427
off BSNYC's blog of course... -
• #8428
uncool ≥ not porn
uncool is greater than or equal to not porn? nice use of erm maths there mate.........
• #8430
FWIW, that "PedalForce TT2" and its cousin are just another of the many brand names under which those frames in either configuration are sold (such as Siegler, NRT, Karbona, Hillbrick, etc.). The frames are made in the Taiwan factory that makes most of the world's carbon frames. You don't see very many World Cup track riders using them, although they are reportedly pretty good riding frames.
• #8431
No clue if this is a re-post but
• #8432
this fucking forum is a repost.
• #8433
PedalForce TT2 triathlon frame
This is total porn - the frame is the sex. You people must be loony.
• #8434
This is total porn - the frame is the sex. You people must be loony.
nope. Not sex. Unless sex is sleeping with an ugly fat girl....
• #8435
sex can be sleeping with an ugly fat girl...
• #8436
FWIW, that "PedalForce TT2" and its cousin are just another of the many brand names under which those frames in either configuration are sold (such as Siegler, NRT, Karbona, Hillbrick, etc.). The frames are made in the Taiwan factory that makes most of the world's carbon frames. You don't see very many World Cup track riders using them, although they are reportedly pretty good riding frames.
Don't you find it sad that race winning artisian bicycle making has been reduced to series of brand names and a Taiwanese factory?
• #8437
No, since they are also race-winning and you can still find artisan builders. Win-win.
• #8438
• #8439
only 1/3 repost in that last one :)
• #8440
sex can be sleeping with an ugly fat girl...
• #8441
Unless sex is sleeping with an ugly fat girl....
Is there any other kind?
• #8442
nope. Not sex. Unless sex is sleeping with an ugly fat girl....
All you do is take the piss out of other frames, have you any substance?
• #8443
Quite fancy a Planet-X or a Pedalforce carbon TT frame personaly.
Like the idea of trying some TT'ing, and those stealthy looking black frames coupled with some carbon aero wheels looks the biz to me.
At the same time, I like my fixed gear bikes steel, lugged, and with plenty of chrome and leather.
Horses for courses.
• #8444
nope. Not sex. Unless sex is sleeping with an ugly fat girl....
Come on DW we've all been there!
• #8445
Really, really, really beautiful sex, can be with a beautiful fat girl.
Unless of course your dainty manhood feels threatened by someone powerful?
In that case, feel free to ogle skinny waifs, that moan on queue and call you "big boy".
Some of you wimps just totally kill me!! :)) :D :)
• #8446
• #8447
(seems as if condor are taking a slightly different direction with some of their new bikes) -
• #8448
Or look here for Condors and comments
• #8449
Really, really, really beautiful sex, can be with a beautiful fat girl.
Unless of course your dainty manhood feels threatened by someone powerful?
In that case, feel free to ogle skinny waifs, that moan on queue and call you "big boy".
Some of you wimps just totally kill me!! :)) :D :)
Now don't you go confusing 'powerful' with 'heavy'
it ain't the same thing!
• #8450
:)) :D :)
what type of face is that, Granville?!
I'm not sure it's the power so much as the weight that is the intimidating factor to be fair.
At least it ain't pink