• #83652
I'm not set on the colour, but the bike in general is lovely.
• #83653
• #83654
That a single piece IS mount / drop-out on the tonic?
• #83655
• #83656
• #83657
Rear end on that tonic looks like it'd shake your fillings out
• #83658
Prolly is watching:
• #83659
oh noes how dare we criticize nahbs wank fodder
• #83660
• #83661
I don't like the h/set orientation on the kinfolk. It's a bit too 'ooh, look at me. I'm so special. against teh conventions'.
• #83662
Can someone tweet back that we're talking about the paint job, not the material....
• #83663
and that 'chrome' is a misguided slang for polished metal.
• #83664
I really dunno why prolly is so butthurt about any post that does not agree with him.
• #83665
it's the c17 cambium.
• #83666
moar here: http://bikeshowcase.org/post/34852613309/zanconato-max-di2
Also this from fbnpna:
• #83667
there's often a steerer column in there.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1/217832_10151396060564409_1376644460_n.jpg](https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151396060364409.570229.227115749408&type=1) -
• #83668
^Fat headtube, skinny steerer.
• #83669
I really dunno why prolly is so butthurt about any post that does not agree with him.
Because the comments were about his favourite product bed fellows .. Icarus Frames
• #83670
I don't like the h/set orientation on the kinfolk. It's a bit too 'ooh, look at me. I'm so special. against teh conventions'.
Is there a reason for it? Less dirt ingress or something?
They are in the southern hemisphere. It might be plughole thing... ;)
• #83671
There's only two ways it goes so if it were out of my workshop I guess eventually orientations would be 50 50. On that basis I give him a benefit of the doubt, couldn't give a fuck rather than trying too hard.
ETA still trying to find the spot crossing the equator where the water just goes straight down the hole.
• #83672
whoa this is near perfect. Only thing I'd change would be removing spacer and changing the bars to compact.
Does anyone know what they are?
• #83673
Prolly is watching:
He did have a point.
• #83674
NEMO... -
• #83675
He did have a point.
Bends ear...
whoa this is near perfect. Only thing I'd change would be removing spacer and changing the bars to compact.