• #43902
I was going for visual aesthetic and also I like to see my front wheel. Just a strange fetish I have about the front wheel when I'm riding
I quite like a small rack/basket on the front but that looks like overkill to me
• #43903
Looks like most of the entry's were front heavy:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/bikeportland/3975398417/in/set-72157622379661739/And even the ones with a rear rack seem to be loaded in a top heavy manner. Whats the matter with regualr panniers?
• #43904
I must admit that I would prefer that type of bar though. Just kinda suits the bike.
• #43905
pearoast. the ex owner of that posts on another board i'm on and flipped it for a large amount.
Right, re the re-post, meh. Good for your other user its a v pretty thing. Indeed I covet such a machine. Peace brother man.
• #43906
• #43907
• #43908
And even the ones with a rear rack seem to be loaded in a top heavy manner. Whats the matter with regualr panniers?
During the race, they were required to carry a certain amount of item equally, read the Challenge for more information;
Basically the rules stated that your bike should be perfectly usable for everyday riding, i.e. need the necessary feature such as mudguard, light, lock, rack to sustain a huge amount of weight (I think last year one were carrying large crate of beers), and most importantly - the bike must survived the trial through harsh road condition (gravel, normal road, hill, etc.)
point are removed for certain situation such as a broken spoke and need to be repaired on the spot by the rider, if the bike cannot be repaired on the spot - disqualified.
The technical trial has been around for a while (most especially in France), it only been recently brought up again.
There were many different entries, such as a cargo bike, a Parlee with a carbon fibre trailer even;
During the race, the Parlee's skinny tyre (110psi) on the gravel section cause the rider's legs to cramp and end up having to get off the bike and walk (as well as complaining that the trailer was very heavy), he did managed to finish though.
• #43909
I'd love to have the resources to submit entry!
Any bike builder interested in a collaboration for the next one? -
• #43910
Interesting, so the poor design is the reason why they won the Technical Trial out of other competitors after 77 miles of on and off roading with the least amount of problem?
You can still win with less than optimum design if other factors are better that competition (rider, strength of bike etc,.). That doesn't take away from it potentially being a poor decision to use the front.
Maybe need to be a bit less defensive about it and look at it subjectively?
• #43911
Anyone know what bars those are?
Great bike!
• #43912
Crammed full of no......
• #43913
Anyone know what bars those are?
Great bike!
They look like Cinelli 67 Pistas to me.
• #43914
Top tip: anything headlined [bike brand] x [fashion brand] is probably going straight to anti porn, with P=0.999, possibly even higher if it's featured on a hipster-wanker blog
• #43915
definate ANTI
• #43916
...ANd readers wives, fo sho.
• #43917
They look like Cinelli 67 Pistas to me.
Yep, they are.
• #43918
Can anyone find me a picture of a bike that was posted on here aaaages ago. Was a red/orange colour frame with box section rear triangle. Think it was a serotta. Ive utfsd and googled all to no avail.
• #43919
Like it or not, some of us are nostalgic and would love to get their hands on something which they could not afford at the time i.e. the 90's MTBs in the previous few pages. I remember GT having a dual suspension thermoplastic bike (concept only IIRC), I still have a copy of the article which it appeared in somewhere but yeah, I would so splash out for one now if it appeared on the bay. Wouln't mind a Klein too, they were iconic bikes, coffee/tea? milk or without?
This was the GT STS, a mate of mine had one with RS Boxers. I think they released a few iterations of them.
I've never worked out how to embed an image... there's one here:
http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.retrobike.co.uk/forum/files/rsz_my_gt_sts_2_669.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.retrobike.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php%3Ft%3D66021%26start%3D0%26postdays%3D0%26postorder%3Dasc%26highlight%3D%26sid%3D9f41a62ffbea5a1149b8df5f6984a11a&h=486&w=648&sz=39&tbnid=AIqTtql6XA1nSM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgt%2Bsts&zoom=1&q=gt+sts&hl=en&usg=__-XJ1UkFlxlMeqsAmSnX3X6Fjf1k=&sa=X&ei=YtJzTYroM4rGswbPkZiEDg&ved=0CCEQ9QEwAAI was never a fan of GTs (a local (not great) shop sold them and they were pretty common around me), but the LTS and similar were a bit nice.
• #43920
Can anyone find me a picture of a bike that was posted on here aaaages ago. Was a red/orange colour frame with box section rear triangle. Think it was a serotta. Ive utfsd and googled all to no avail.
• #43921
What's a box section rear triangle?
• #43922
• #43923
• #43924
• #43925
Interesting, so the poor design is the reason why they won the Technical Trial out of other competitors after 77 miles of on and off roading with the least amount of problem?