• #43552
that frame should flex as fuck
• #43553
I wondered how far into NAHBS weekend we'd get before somebody posted that utterly pointless Cherubim. A Pointer mating with the USS Enterprise is only porn if you're into sci-fi/animal/
• #43554
yes, i love cpt picard and tron, so it's porn for me
• #43555
that is rad to the max
• #43556
Oh please...........
not porn, back brake and bottle cage on a track bike?
• #43557
that is rad to the max
No, it's fucking stupid and would flex like a sapling under any real weight. I agree with 'tester.
• #43558
• #43559
• #43560
current projects>>>>>>>>>>>>
• #43561
• #43562
Very nice, in a simple understated sort of way.
• #43563
36er in the background? Want!
Black Sheep, maybe?
• #43564
36er in the background?
No, just a tiny man.
• #43565
Whoa. Thats a proper ride.
Great find. -
• #43566
would flex like a sapling
For the people who still think it's a good idea, imagine if you will the torsion being applied to the frame in the image below. Now consider what would happen to the main beam of that Cherubim if you applied the same load. How much do you think the front of the bike would rotate relative to the back, assuming a 30mm diameter round steel tube of modest wall thickness? Calculation for a hollow torsion bar can be found at http://www.roymech.co.uk/Useful_Tables/Springs/Springs_Torsion.html
In round figures, every 1° of rotation equates to a tracking error (i.e. the back wheel not following the front) of 10mm
1 Attachment
• #43567
out of interest, Tester, do you know what frame that is that the closest woman is riding?
• #43568
That's Wendy Houvenaghel on one of the Team GB/UKSI bikes.
• #43569
That is an abomination, the worst thing I have ever seen, a waste of good components and a waste of time and tubing making it. Looks rad but bound to be bendy as a soft cock and will probably snap if the rider trys to ride it fast a lot.Surely you guys that judge the asthetic quality of bikes on here take in to account how well a machine functions as well as its form?
• #43570
Isn't there another thread for that? Despite how it would ride, looks great imo. Then again, like you said, tubing could have been spent to create a bike just as nice that would actually perform as good as it looked. It probably won't be ridden anyways.
• #43571
Perfect, anyone know what tyres they are?
• #43572
It's a tubular tyres, but other than that no idea.
• #43573
What is that blue one? Minus the dropouts, almost looks like a Waterford. Very nice
• #43574
36er in the background? Want!
Black Sheep, maybe?
Looks like it. Also want.
• #43575
Mikey Merk's ESB.
Trick bike porn.That is fugly
The very fact that has two brakes and bottle cage mounts should tell you its not a track bike. its 100 percent porn