• #477
Sure its here some place, can't be bother to look. :-)
YouTube - A 40mph crash and save at the World Track Championships.
• #478
great animation /rotoscoping!!
• #479
This is my evening, i love this film:
• #480
i think this must be a piss take
Don's Death Pedal 2 Submission Video on Vimeo
yeaaaaaah bwooooys -
• #481
lovin this
• #482
make it doable.de?
• #483
Repost Pip.
• #485
Great vid, decent tune.
• #486
make it doable.de?
• #487
Maybe a repost, sod all to do with bikes, but a good effort none the less.
• #488
Not biking related but this guy's dancing (if you can call it that) is seriously warped. David Elsewhere:
• #491
By the army?! Id be shitting my pants.
• #492
Kev Bacon, Brakeless legend
• #493
Pretty damn awesome..
• #495
** http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1014604020855&ref=nf**
This has probably been posted before, but it's fantastic!
• #496
^^ spiderman
• #497
Insane skateboarding speed.
• #498
Ines Brunn. Not the usual one.
• #499
And does anyone know what the music in the video is?
• #500
Does anyone remember a video that was posted on here a while back; mountain biking, amazing professional lighting, slo-mo shots of tires spinning on gravel, really incredibly well put-together?
The above link is the raw un-edited un-corrected footage from the Bristol Hillycat which took place on Saturday 30th May and involved a big bunch of Bristols finest fixed gear riders tackling going up 5 of the city's steepest hills!