• #67477
Nice 853 Mercian
• #67478
Oof that's nice, would be on it if it had rack mounts
• #67479
• #67480
Blurb says those bits were added by Argos Cycles before the custom paint
• #67482
Dynatech XC50 for £260
• #67483
^ I think you are mistaken.
These frames are horrible to ride due to their geometry and "plumber's" lugs.
The equipment fitted is the lowest level.
£100 max IMHO -
• #67484
1 Attachment
• #67485
Link? Can't find it anymore...
Edit: something dodgy going on here...
1 Attachment
• #67486
• #67487
Just don’t go sniffing the saddle
• #67488
Looks like someone got wind of the listing soon after I posted it on here and bought it.
• #67489
Weird that it sold the day before, no?
I noticed it knocking around but at a higher price then lost track of it -
• #67490
Seller got neg'd for it -
I bid, win, and within one hr the seller cancelled the transaction, no reason given
• #67492
• #67493
• #67494
• #67495
Dream frame - dreaming price tag.
1 Attachment
• #67496
If it is the same, it was sold for 600 on marketplace in october
• #67497
Small 853 Donohue with Campagnolo in Hatfield currently at £31
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/276217540213?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=YO3fBuauShy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=T7m36OuJSBy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY -
• #67498
worrying that a bike shop thinks it is from '1970ish', when 853 didn't come out until 1995.
Also, its a 58cm frame, so not small at all really
• #67499
• #67500
Fillet-brazed Columbus EL. Nice! I’d have already bought this if I was local.
Thats pretty nice, would be tempted if 55