• #65752
Nice looking SLX Graham weigh without any bids yet, like those lugs
• #65754
Bit of a bizarre listing for an All City Mr Pink.
• #65755
This is a lot of money. It's also my size.
Seller has some amazing bikes:
• #65756
Cracked Titanium frame will go cheap - but looks like very simple repair
• #65757
There are 2 sorts of Titanium frames, those that have cracked, and those that have not cracked.... yet ;-) Does anyone know a good welder that can do a job like this, as I'd be interested.
• #65758
Vernon Barker for Ti repairs
• #65759
ime you'll be lucky to get a response from VB and the only other place is Enigma who are likely to be booked up building frames rather than fixing them. Even then it'll be in the £500 region for that repair. As someone who has had cracked TI fixed I'd advise steering well clear of that frame.
• #65760
At £110 I wish I was in Sheffield.
• #65761
Tend to agree with @fredtc re VB and that Enigma are unlikely to touch an off-brand frame.
There was another chap, I’m sure mentioned somewhere on here.
While it may not be £500, it won’t be simple/as cheap as you think. The bigger issue (I was told) is once you start warming up parts, there’s a risk the other welds start to fail. Weld on dropout could mean chainstay is gone. If chainstay is gone, needs the bb area messing with, which could lead to other fails.
That said, if you can find ‘the other chap’ and are willing to take a punt on a quick grind and re-weld, then give it light use, who knows.
• #65762
If I wasn’t skint right now.. beautiful Simoncini track frame with lovely tubing
• #65763
I can see why you're skint ;-)
^ That's vastly overpriced ! It sold for £315 a few days ago, and that was well above the norm.
You can easily check what previous examples sold for on eBay, just go down the left side of a search page and select "Sold Items". Like this : https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313&_nkw=Simoncini+&_sacat=7294&LH_TitleDesc=0&rt=nc&_odkw=campagnolo&_osacat=7294&_sop=2&LH_PrefLoc=1&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1
• #65764
Haha, well spotted!! Cheers for the heads up!
• #65765
Miclo bikes doing what miclo does
• #65766
Tempting to offer £315
• #65767
Beyond miclo: semi budget steamroller build for 1.3k lol
• #65768
London prices.......:-/
• #65769
It's also one of those "New other" but "only ridden for x miles"
• #65770
66 cm canti touring frameset on Marktplaats https://www.marktplaats.nl/v/fietsen-en-brommers/fietsonderdelen/m1839866178-vittorio-randoneur-trekking-frame-vork-66-cm
• #65771
I’m watching this one. Just need a pointy hat to go with it.
• #65772
Good luck! The pointy hat might cost you more than the bike. I think this one is the same vintage https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175161959776?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=F9OfupKeRlC&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=EMAIL
• #65773
53 cm ish vintage racer with a few nice parts. And cut out lugs
£180, no bids, 30 minutes left. Might be worth an offer after ending. -
• #65774
Was watching this shitly listed Dawes Galaxy and the seller sent out a bin of £280.
Could be worth popping a msg for a £250 and seeing how you get on.
Idk if these are still worth that money, but thought I'd share.
• #65775
Yeah I'd say still worth £250 if in really nice condition, and that one does look to be in good condition.
Nice OO Plickenflick going in SE London... 2 days left, seems like it'll probably go lower than expected!
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