• #64977
Look at this mad Trek Y Foil! https://ebay.us/uXc9av Record Ti 9 speed, THM carbon cranks...maybe you could ride it carefully for a bit, part it out and make a profit? Probably not. Walk away.
• #64978
This is pretty sweet…. a Paganini, full Shimano 600 with Mavic rims. Looks all original, too.
• #64979
Just the bottle is £125 new.
• #64980
One for the giants: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203549667816?hash=item2f648171e8:g:HooAAOSw9Jxgb0q7
• #64981
• #64982
Nice shape! it's a bit rusty tho - should I be worried about the structural integrity....?
• #64983
If it was larger I would have bought it already, it's well worth the money and a beauty to boot ! London bikes is the best !
to Bob - 531 is a good solid tube, a spec of rust or two is nothing - if it were 853 then it's a different matter :-( And anyway, if you ride in London, then rust is the least of your worries innit !
• #64985
Definitely too big for whoever’s riding it
• #64987
@SideshowBob Two great finds ^ & ^^^
• #64988
“Basically brand new” Shimano Ultegra R8020 Full Disc Groupset
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Shimano-Ultegra-R8020-Full-Disc-Groupset-/265342576126?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0Looks like a decent deal, especially considering you can’t buy them new at the moment?
I’m after a groupset for a Brother Stroma build and I’m between this or a new 105 groupset.
• #64989
Have you considered aliexpress? e.g. this one: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32970211679.html?spm=a2g0s.8937460.0.0.3ea62e0ezqTNnS
You get a choice of crank lengths, cassettes, rings, BBs, plus the cables and hoses.But not the rotors
• #64990
Ignore the new rings, but is this crankset worth anything? https://ebay.us/dGYYP7
It dates from 2007 and was discontinued years ago. It's been used and the seller is the second owner. He bought it from "someone in Spain". It's the MTB version but he says he used it on a Merida road bike. He doesn't seem to know the specs. But he says there was plenty of clearance with the chainstay. It looks in good condition from the photos, but it's 14 years old...and would I run into fitting problems because of....I don't know...shell length or something? I think my bike might well have a BB30, but I bought it used recently and I don't know.
The specs are on p.10 of the manual http://www.thm-carbon.de/manuals_clavicula.html
• #64991
Badly listed Brooklyn (?) 56cm flat bar thing, with some really nice components in Wigan. Could more than likely make the money back by splitting even if the frame isn't the real deal...
• #64992
Looks like a boardman frame
• #64993
That’s no BMW
• #64994
Paris Tandem -
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• #64995
EM Panasonic - Looks in great condition.
1 Attachment
• #64996
Looks absolutely pristine! chef’s kiss
• #64998
S Works Allez for £50 still on start bid with 17h left
1 Attachment
• #64999
54cm Diamant - Columbus Max - VGC in the frozen north:
• #65000
JT -
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