• #51877
Would anyone really ride that though? Plz.
• #51878
Most definitely! Might/will take some time though.
Hopefully it will be in my possession by the end of the day.
• #51879
Cheap (at least for a Roberts) 57cm Chas Roberts with campag - Gumtree so hopefully not dodgy...
http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/lovely-chas-roberts-road-bike/1074807683#photo-content -
• #51880
Drop dead gorgeous fillet brazed Thorn, not quite right for me but close, just been re-listed after no bids at £85
Somerset pick-up..
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Thorn-Road-Bicycle-Frame-/161402498097?pt=UK_Bikes_GL&hash=item259456ac31 -
• #51881
Nice if you like this kind of thing & a bargain to boot perhaps
• #51882
Dave Yates Diablo!
Nice if you like fillet brazed old school mtb's (I do) and have plenty of time for a refurb
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dave-Yates-Diablo-Mountain-Bike-of-M-Steel-Cycles-for-spares-or-repair-/301287180185?pt=UK_Bikes_GL&hash=item46261d8799 -
• #51883
Rad Saracen Andes for £35
Buy it now and wait a couple of years til old timer mtb's get hip again in Dalston then dust it off and you'll be one step ahead - you heard it here first. -
• #51884
Fantastic Thorn Cyclosportif with red/yellow fade paintjob, 725 fillet brazed, 52x56 cm, Ultegra, Ceramic bearings openpro wheels.
pick up only in Leicester, it's too long for me I advised seller to post it as otherwise it may go for f-all and he got back to me right away with question...there's a phone nr in listing
• #51888
Ha... If I didn't have far too many bikes already I'd buy this just to match my gf's new bike:
http://www.lfgss.com/comments/11787479/ -
• #51889
Rules say that you can't post your own auction
• #51890
I would remove this post if I were you
• #51891
I'm going to have a go at winning this one. Anyone want to buy the ultegra group?
• #51892
E-bay is making me a bit sad often...so many nice bikes, 95% of them wrong size :/
Well my sorrow is this threads gain :P
• #51893
21" Dave Marsh lo - pro. track ends.
• #51894
only some decent stoppers for those who use fenders or wider tyrez..
http://www.ebay.com/itm/331298600839?_trksid=p2059216.m1431.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT -
• #51895
Bloody hell that's nice! Funny I've seen a few Thorn bikes and they've mostly been of the fugly/functional variety imho but the last two I've seen have been stunners, I'd definitely go for the Cyclosportif if someone would only sponsor my bike habit
• #51896
My XTC isn't too bad looking (fillet brazed, lee cooper, cut steerer) but there's some monstrous Thorns about. But I never found them offensively ugly as there's bags, lights and untold items hanging from the uncut steerers, the weird low TTs are to project ones jewels if you do come off, and the angels mean you never have toe overlap. It's like a JCB is ugly, there's a reason for it.
However their classic Audaxes, Cyclosportifs have some *real*jewels and some of the tandems when they still made frames in UK are lovely too.
• #51897
A sneak-peak, bars and stem isn't mind and looking to get a few silver parts.
• #51898
good work, looks a beauty! nice and tall!
• #51899
Very nice!
You must be super tall, Le Manfriend cycles a 59...and he's 1.86m/6"3' :D
• #51900
http://www.ebay.com/itm/161403192076?_trksid=p2059216.m1431.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT these will actually shift down 8cog at a time and up 3.. if anyone recalls the action of the pre-qs, pre-ps, pre-us levers.. :) the release button enables you to sweep down the whole cassette...
Think we'll get to see a pic of it all built up? Please!