• #46702
A brian rourke bargain for someone if it fits and you're after a nice road frame
Damn. Too big for me at 6' 2".
A few approx. measurements for those that are interested.
Head tube: 25cm.
Seat tube (ctt): 64.5cm
Top tube (ctc): 60cm. -
• #46703
Its so tempting.
• #46704
Most beautiful Colnago Ever. Unfortunately will not be bidding as I would have to keep it in shrink wrap for the rest of its life.
• #46705
Very nice 531c track frame - with a strong British name. Ends in just over an hour so be quick. Price will probably rocket at the end (already at about a sensible limit). I'm not bidding
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190829557868?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 -
• #46710
Repainted Reynolds 531 frame + fork for 30€
Can anyone perhaps help me identify the maker of the frame?
BY should be 1985 because of the 50th anniversary special edition Reynolds decal.
Gipiemme dropouts.Unfortunately I'm no expert on these things.
• #46712
French 'Naddeo' looks like a Super Vitus Sticker on downtube . BIN £84.62 from france
• #46715
Ask him to weigh it?
• #46717
Lust. My size too.
• #46718
Not sure if someone bought those 7600 cranks that were £50 but check the tapers when you pick them up as he told me they were 'quite rounded'.
• #46720
Do it Oliver!
• #46721
i have fully been watching and thinking about it, but, i don't actually have paypal, and picking it up would be an issue due to not having any time to go and collect it. After exams though i may just order one from on-one, although, this could be a cheap project, so ill see if i can get someone( my brother most likely) to get it and ill pick it up from him
• #46722
• #46723
Fuck my tits that's cool
• #46725
Poorly listed vintage Bianchi. I contacted seller, and the frame dims are around 21"/21".