• #32527
Another giant frame, Basso Titanium 67cm c-t
• #32528
vitus to avoid
forks look fucked, crashed probably
• #32529
All Pinarello forks look like that...
• #32530
slowdwn is selling his pinarello frame (without telling me!) so he's out of the pinarello ruff riders for sure.
Anyone want to join? Be my bitch, and supply me with scotch eggs and umbongo at predetermined intervals in the day?![](http://i.ebayimg.com/00/$(KGrHqIOKnEE2ZvdTEJdBNvZZ7rWZw~~_12.JPG)
• #32531
Mate just got this off gumtree for £220, Not the prettiest thing in the world but a major bargain. http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/ribble-roadbike/78893691#picture-zoom.
Wheels alone would be what £300 new?
• #32532
Who's gonna buy the Phil Wood's...?
• #32533
vitus to avoid
I bet that absolutely flies.
• #32534
I bet that absolutely flies.
I contacted the seller and he assures me it does not fulfil even the rudimentary requirements for flight.
• #32536
Won in an Irn Bru raffle. Hard to beat that kind of provenance.
• #32537
Forum rules say you can't post your own ebay add here. Sorry.
• #32538
Mate just got this off gumtree for £220, Not the prettiest thing in the world but a major bargain. http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/ribble-roadbike/78893691#picture-zoom.
Wheels alone would be what £300 new?
smells suspicious. pants description, too good a price....?
• #32539
Located in Liverpool, dur.
• #32540
well at least they didn't leave it up on bricks
• #32541
What in the name of rattle can/rasta loving god is this abomination??
At least it's in Dublin though, so it's unlikely any of you guys will ever have to see it in real life.
• #32542
He paid 950 euro for that?
No wonder Ireland's economy is fucked
• #32544
Won in an Irn Bru raffle. Hard to beat that kind of provenance.
Probably just a backpedal brake bike, not fixed.
Hilarious how many people think fixed means backpedal simply because that's how fixed riders describe it "pedalling forward makes the wheel go forward, pedalling backwards makes it go backwards" etc etc
• #32546
Non drive-side pictures, stickered delta's, last gen. victory rear der.. No thanks, at least not for this price
• #32547
No thanks, at least not for this price
Come on!
It's a very good price for a steam bike...BTW, where's the stokers' seat ?
• #32549
Stupidly massive nigel dean frame for giants: