• #32227
The guy sounds difficult and the current build looks shite but it is a hetchins and pick up only so price should be reasonable for a , erm, hetchins...
• #32228
has anyone used escrow to buy a bike from europe? it seams dodgy.
• #32230
We will ship worldwide EXCEPT Nigeria, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, India, China, Hong Kong, Macau.
• #32233
They should really clamp down on sellers using 'not bates hetchins'
Why do this when the people looking for those names aren't even going to bother looking at the listing?Yeah I know psychology, etc...
• #32234
Anyone got £3500 lying around?
• #32235
Seller is dreaming. Crash damaged frame. Not mentioned in text.
• #32236
Awesome tube-ing and decals tho! Very lovely!
• #32239
60% less than original buy it now price, be quick: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320687873297&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_1000wt_698
• #32241
fugi tarck description amazingness
• #32242
"Converted to 3 wheel for around a fiver"Awesome
• #32243
i like the fact that its got a halogen wheel
• #32244
Pretty nice lo-pro £500 over on Retro Bike- its track with a gear hanger added- easily removed and would make a lovely fixed lo-pro. £500 looks like a bargain.
• #32245
dkmike's on here, if that's the same one.
i can only recommend him as a seller. -
• #32246
i think that was at HH jumble with another bike in the same paint job.
• #32247
I saw that^ being test ridden, wasn't that one (different bars IIRC) but a similar paintjob, aye.
• #32248
Did anyone here win this for £744?
![](http://i.ebayimg.com/00/$(KGrHqUOKiME13nrv!RZBNqy9I(tY!~~_12.JPG)![](http://i.ebayimg.com/00/$(KGrHqYOKjIE1u++dHd-BNqy9ZJSQ!~~_12.JPG)![](http://i.ebayimg.com/00/$(KGrHqQOKkQE1tPpIgF0BNqy99Yplg~~_12.JPG)![](http://i.ebayimg.com/00/$(KGrHqEOKiME1zS1WeQFBNqy-GvkIg~~_12.JPG) -
• #32249
i was watching that, but its.... purple. so i didn''t bid.
• #32250
Pretty nice lo-pro £500 over on Retro Bike- its track with a gear hanger added- easily removed and would make a lovely fixed lo-pro. £500 looks like a bargain.
this was at herne hill jumble on friday. with a another one without the curvey tubes.very nice indeed.
Did anyone on here buy the CXP33 / Suze wheels on eBay the other day? £80 BIN reduced from £110. Bargain.