• #452
I'm sure it'll be fine but I probz will get some smaller batteries...
Let's see if I can get it working with cotton wool and .25mm Kanthal!!
• #453
Massive RoboCock™ is massive...
• #454
Probably a silly question, but please bear with me...
So I've put my batteries into my Nitecore i2 to charge and the display now shows three green lights... This suggest it's charged, the instructions are usless and don't tell me if that's the case or not...
• #455
Yep - 3 solid lights means they are fully charged. If it is still charging, there will be at least one flashing light. The Vamo can also tell you the battery level - hold down the left / minus button for a few seconds. 4.2V is fully charged. Don't let them get below about 3.5V / 3.6V. I think the Vamo might even cut out below that.
• #456
Struggled to get the RSST to work with cotton wool, almost managed it but it was very poppy and tasted a bit burnt... I will persevere...
The Vamo V5 is fantastic! I'm using it on my Mini Davide and the difference in flavour and vapour over an Ego-T is incredible...
I'm well pleased, money well spent...
• #457
PS If anyone's shifting a Pro-Tank, I'd be interested...
• #459
TS - I have a Protank II that is just sitting in my vape box. I've also got a box of five coils in a blister pack - 1.8ohms.
It has had maybe 10 tanks through it, can't really remember to be honest. Its in as new condition, I even have the original box.
Make me an offer?
• #461
What power are you running at? Big difference from clearos?
• #462
Still running a clearo, haven't quite sussed the RSST out yet... I've got to plough through a few more YouTube vides... ;)
• #463
Might be tricky to get the RSST running properly with a microcoil and cotton. If it tastes burnt, then that usually means there isn't enough juice getting to the coil. This could be because the wick is strangled as it comes through the deck or at the coil. Thin, fluffy, whispy cotton is where it's at. Might need to tilt to get the juice above the deck.
• #464
Ah, I see! That may be where I was going wrong, will try that out tomorrow... Cheers, Ben...
• #465
interested to hear your impressions
• #466
Oooooooh Betty
• #467
Well I don't really know!
• #468
My name. Is Michael Caine.
• #469
The Vamo V5 is fantastic! I'm using it on my Mini Davide and the difference in flavour and vapour over an Ego-T is incredible...
I'm well pleased, money well spent...
Interesting, does the battery life last longer?
seems annoying to charge (non-USB)
• #470
I had to buy 2000 mAh cells as they were out of the 1600 mAh, not really sure tbh... I'm sticking them back in the charger when they get to 3.5V which doesn't take too long...
WAAAAAY more power tho', makes the eGo look puny by comparison...
• #471
1.7ohm coil is doing the business tonight... Still haven't got round to getting the RSST going, little project for tomorrow...
• #472
1.7 might put less strain on the vamo to deliver voltage, resulting in a better vape. I would try to get a little lower even, like 1.5. The vamo goes down to a 1.2 I think.
What materials do you have for the RSST?
• #473
I've got some 0.2mm and 0.25mm Kanthal and some 1mm and 2mm silica wick... Might need 3mm from what I've read, no mesh but I don't really fancy using that anyway...
Loads of cotton wool balls as well...
Good tip on the ohmage, I think I've been running it too high as the battery is discharging pretty quickly...
• #474
10 wrap microcoil of 0.25mm kanthal round a 1.5mm drill bit might come out to about 1.2 ohms. Then thread some cotton wool through it and leave plenty in the tank. The narrow microcoil should mean you use a small enough strand of cotton to leave room for air flow between the cotton and the wick hole. You'll have to attach the positive wire after you put the tank back together if you see what I mean. I don't have all that much experience with cotton in gennys though!
I'm chuffed to have built something decent in my Kraken today:
Dual microcoils on ss rope with the core removed and a mesh wrap to provide a flat surface. It's come out to 0.7 ohms, with tons of vapour and flavour. Bet it hotspots tomorrow morning whilst I'm having my coffee. Yuck.
• #475
^ Impressive work, I've a way to go before I get there tho'...
Slowly, slowly, catchy monkey...
PS I think I'm gonna buy Murts's old Kayfun Lite/Dingo set-up... :)
It's definitely a big unit! I had mine like that for months. You could always run it 18350 if it gets on your t*ts.