Some bits n bobs for sale here, loads of 26 tyres. Pick up from Downs either 15th/16th March, or can bring to the uk champs.
-1 pair of lightly used folding duranos 26x1.1 £30
-1 pair of lightly used wired duranos 26x1.35 £25
-1 pair of conti grand prix 26x1.8, pretty much new, used once - £35
-1pair of lightly used maxis detonators 26x1.25 - £25
-1 pair of 26'' mavic XC717 disc rims. Used with some marks but no dents - £60 for the pair.
-Raceface Turbine Risers. 20mm rise, 31.8 Clamp, 59cm width. Used bit in mint condition. Really nice bars - £20
-Raceface Atlas risers, 13mm rise, 31.8 Clamp, 57cm Width. Used with mark. Matt Black - £15
-Raceface Flat bars. New old stock. 25.4 Clamp, 58cm Width. £15
-Advocet 02 saddle, used - £5
-Flat plastic pedals - £5
-Planet X stem, 110mm, 10degree rise/drop. 31.8 Clamp, missing a bolt - £beers
I'll take the rims & flat pedals thanks Chan.