Looking for pulley to convert a standard triple front der to top pull on an old Ibis Hakkalugi frame. I do not need / want a clamp on pulley as I have the proper screw mount for a pulley on the frame. Anyone have a source - can't seem to have much luck with the googling.
I also need a front der clamp (should be 31.8) so I am also looking at finding an appropriate triple top pull front derailleur that works with a campy triple group for not too much monies - should be better that using a pulley anyway.
Looking for pulley to convert a standard triple front der to top pull on an old Ibis Hakkalugi frame. I do not need / want a clamp on pulley as I have the proper screw mount for a pulley on the frame. Anyone have a source - can't seem to have much luck with the googling.
I also need a front der clamp (should be 31.8) so I am also looking at finding an appropriate triple top pull front derailleur that works with a campy triple group for not too much monies - should be better that using a pulley anyway.