Being as you yourself have stated you have no interest in anything other than moderating the Rider Down thread, why are you waving the flag for gay rights?
When I need another "look I'm liberal" in my corner, I'll give you a shout.
Now you're doing Object an injustice. If you knew him just a little, I think you'd understand why he's concerned in the way that he is, and that there's nothing insincere or phony about it. (Not that he really needs me to speak for him.)
I agree with you on the treatment of JSSR, Object doesn't agree, why not let it rest there as he suggested?
Now you're doing Object an injustice. If you knew him just a little, I think you'd understand why he's concerned in the way that he is, and that there's nothing insincere or phony about it. (Not that he really needs me to speak for him.)
I agree with you on the treatment of JSSR, Object doesn't agree, why not let it rest there as he suggested?