2014-04-06 The London Classic

Posted on
of 29
    1. BareNecessities
    2. IvanSkavinsky
    3. hairnetnic
    4. pootsmanouva
    5. IndraRipper
    6. almac68
    7. JAH tim
    8. TooTallTim
    9. smiff
    10. torker
    11. villa-ru
    12. mands
    13. Andrew
    14. Ludd
    15. Hoke (with no spokez)
    16. Pavéwell
    17. fussballclub
    18. Thomas
    19. Thomas' +1
    20. Temp
    21. Oliver Schick
    22. Cazakstan
    23. cake
    24. owenreed
    25. nurseholliday
    26. desouz
    27. tonyme
    28. mini Skully
    29. DCI Skully of the Yard
    30. Ultracrepidarian
    31. HoKe
    32. 6pt tbc
    33. jonny
    34. Murrance
    35. Polka Dot
    36. vunugu
    37. Dammit
    38. laner
    39. T4
    40. Davehmercer
    41. A Owl (never met any forum folks, be nice to say hello...)
    42. Temp + 1
    43. Dave4
    44. Seraphinx
    45. Hefty +1
    46. Cafewanda
    47. Dan W
    48. Fenella
    49. OLC
    50. Marco
    51. Toastyoneuk
    52. biarittz (Sam)
    53. biarittz's big sis (Sian)
    54. Cupcakes + 1
    55. middleofnowhere
    56. Ok123
    57. Mikey5000
    58. JD
    59. FreddieF
    60. Jurek
    61. jb000 +1
    62. hugothenord01
    63. Mystery person on Bullit
    64. Mystery person not on Bullit

    A day like today would be alright weatherwise....

    1. BareNecessities
    2. IvanSkavinsky
    3. hairnetnic
    4. pootsmanouva
    5. IndraRipper
    6. almac68
    7. JAH tim
    8. TooTallTim
    9. smiff
    10. torker
    11. villa-ru
    12. mands
    13. Andrew
    14. Ludd
    15. Hoke (with no spokez)
    16. Pavéwell
    17. fussballclub
    18. Thomas
    19. Thomas' +1
    20. Temp
    21. Oliver Schick
    22. Cazakstan
    23. cake
    24. owenreed
    25. nurseholliday
    26. desouz
    27. tonyme
    28. mini Skully
    29. DCI Skully of the Yard
    30. Ultracrepidarian
    31. HoKe
    32. 6pt tbc
    33. jonny
    34. Murrance
    35. Polka Dot
    36. vunugu
    37. Dammit
    38. laner
    39. T4
    40. Davehmercer
    41. A Owl (never met any forum folks, be nice to say hello...)
    42. Temp + 1
    43. Dave4
    44. Seraphinx
    45. Hefty +1
    46. Cafewanda
    47. Dan W
    48. Fenella
    49. OLC
    50. Marco
    51. Toastyoneuk
    52. biarittz (Sam)
    53. biarittz's big sis (Sian)
    54. Cupcakes + 1
    55. middleofnowhere
    56. Ok123
    57. Mikey5000
    58. JD
    59. FreddieF
    60. Jurek
    61. jb000 +1
    62. hugothenord01
    63. Mystery person on Bullit
    64. Mystery person not on Bullit
    65. KTBee
    66. Seben04
  • List fixed :) the sun today has reminded me of last year's ride!

  • This list is looking totes awesome-balls...
    Yes Indra it was just like today. Let us hope for another great day...
    Give thanks people,

  • Loved it last year but life has got in the way this year.
    Gareth (and Super-Stoker)

  • Greetings and love folks,

    Some great figures for you. No not forum peeps giving it some in lycra....,
    but the totals raised by the lovely people at The London Classic.

    2013 = £5798.75

    2012 = £ er not sure on that one, not troll like enough to be able to find it , sorry....

    2011 = £4100

    2010 = £3401.07

    The charidee that they support is the Evelina London Children's Hospital


    This is the 5th year of the event. Like most famous people, I know they don't like to talk about their work for charidee..... However we must big up the lovely organisers of this event for the great work that they do....

    In the run up to Christmas my neighbour fell ill, so most nights I went to hospital to visit her.
    A few things I learnt from this experience.....

    ' Your health is your wealth'....
    Love thy neighbour
    Time is precious...
    How lucky we all are....

    Give thanks,


  • ''No not forum peeps giving it some in lycra....''

  • Or as follows

    Oh yeah.....

  • Greetings and love folks,

    Some great figures for you. No not forum peeps giving it some in lycra....,
    but the totals raised by the lovely people at The London Classic.

    2013 = £5798.75

    2012 = £ er not sure on that one, not troll like enough to be able to find it , sorry....

    2011 = £4100

    2010 = £3401.07

    The charidee that they support is the Evelina London Children's Hospital.


    Thanks Tim - the 2012 figure got lost a bit as the Evelina changed fundraisers. It was £4790 including gift aid but minus costs.

    The good news is we should easy break the £20k mark for the 5 years this year...unless it chucks it down...

  • Greetings Dave,

    Many thanks for giving the missing total...

    2013 = £5798.75
    2012 = £4790
    2011 = £4100
    2010 = £3401.07

    So grand charidee total so far = £ 18,089.82

    Well done to you and the rest of TLC... The amounts seem to be going up year by year, so let's see if we can make sure that trend continues....

    Peace and Love,

  • It makes me happy to read Tim's posts

  • The good news is we should easy break the £20k mark for the 5 years this year...unless it chucks it down...
    HTFU Dave, it's a Classic. :)

  • I forgot to say that thanks to a handy tip off from Corny B in late Jan I am also In! Am bringing a plus one and fellow denizen of Cannonbie base camp/the foothills of Les Alpes d'Honor Oak.

    Super looking forward to it chaps. Added Corny to the list too as I couldnt see him on there.

    1. BareNecessities
    2. IvanSkavinsky
    3. hairnetnic
    4. pootsmanouva
    5. IndraRipper
    6. almac68
    7. JAH tim
    8. TooTallTim
    9. smiff
    10. torker
    11. villa-ru
    12. mands
    13. Andrew
    14. Ludd
    15. Hoke (with no spokez)
    16. Pavéwell
    17. fussballclub
    18. Thomas
    19. Thomas' +1
    20. Temp
    21. Oliver Schick
    22. Cazakstan
    23. cake
    24. owenreed
    25. nurseholliday
    26. desouz
    27. tonyme
    28. mini Skully
    29. DCI Skully of the Yard
    30. Ultracrepidarian
    31. HoKe
    32. 6pt tbc
    33. jonny
    34. Murrance
    35. Polka Dot
    36. vunugu
    37. Dammit
    38. laner
    39. T4
    40. Davehmercer
    41. A Owl (never met any forum folks, be nice to say hello...)
    42. Temp + 1
    43. Dave4
    44. Seraphinx
    45. Hefty +1
    46. Cafewanda
    47. Dan W
    48. Fenella
    49. OLC
    50. Marco
    51. Toastyoneuk
    52. biarittz (Sam)
    53. biarittz's big sis (Sian)
    54. Cupcakes + 1
    55. middleofnowhere
    56. Ok123
    57. Mikey5000
    58. JD
    59. FreddieF
    60. Jurek
    61. jb000 +1
    62. hugothenord01
    63. Mystery person on Bullit
    64. Mystery person not on Bullit
    65. KTBee
    66. Seben04
    67. dooks +1
    68. Cornelius Blackfoot
  • Give thanks dooks,

    Wow that is some list. Er being of a certain age, ever time I hear '68'. It reminds me of 1983 when the following was a pretty big hit.


    Great days......68 guns indeed.

    Allez Team LFGSS

    Peace and love,

  • P.S. Er and yes I did have a haircut like that.... oh dear....

  • Ahem... here's hoping for a 69 related anecdote from JAH tim...

    1. BareNecessities
    2. IvanSkavinsky
    3. hairnetnic
    4. pootsmanouva
    5. IndraRipper
    6. almac68
    7. JAH tim
    8. TooTallTim
    9. smiff
    10. torker
    11. villa-ru
    12. mands
    13. Andrew
    14. Ludd
    15. Hoke (with no spokez)
    16. Pavéwell
    17. fussballclub
    18. Thomas
    19. Thomas' +1
    20. Temp
    21. Oliver Schick
    22. Cazakstan
    23. cake
    24. owenreed
    25. nurseholliday
    26. desouz
    27. tonyme
    28. mini Skully
    29. DCI Skully of the Yard
    30. Ultracrepidarian
    31. HoKe
    32. 6pt tbc
    33. jonny
    34. Murrance
    35. Polka Dot
    36. vunugu
    37. Dammit
    38. laner
    39. T4
    40. Davehmercer
    41. A Owl (never met any forum folks, be nice to say hello...)
    42. Temp + 1
    43. Dave4
    44. Seraphinx
    45. Hefty +1
    46. Cafewanda
    47. Dan W
    48. Fenella
    49. OLC
    50. Marco
    51. Toastyoneuk
    52. biarittz (Sam)
    53. biarittz's big sis (Sian)
    54. Cupcakes + 1
    55. middleofnowhere
    56. Ok123
    57. Mikey5000
    58. JD
    59. FreddieF
    60. Jurek
    61. jb000 +1
    62. hugothenord01
    63. Mystery person on Bullit
    64. Mystery person not on Bullit
    65. KTBee
    66. Seben04
    67. dooks +1
    68. Cornelius Blackfoot
    69. Rod Munch
  • Greetings and love to each and every one,

    Wow up to 69 in the LFGSS peleton...... Well Rod, ahem indeed re 69 related anecdote. I like a challenge. There is obviously a massive oohh err missus quality to that number, oh I'm blushing as I type as '69 in the LFGSS peleton' is certainly an image to conjure with...., but thankfully I am above 'rising' to that...

    Well my old mate Bryan Adams had a good summer that year


    Ooh no enough of that, it's even worse than The Alarm.

    69, is of course one number above the year I was born.

    The other number we need to think about is 5 - yes people it's 5 weeks to go!!!

    Peace and Love,

  • It makes me happy to read Tim's posts

    Give Thanks for that!

    I loled a lot at being renamed Skully of The Yard.

  • I was concieved in summer 71

    1. BareNecessities
    2. IvanSkavinsky
    3. hairnetnic
    4. pootsmanouva
    5. IndraRipper
    6. almac68
    7. JAH tim
    8. TooTallTim
    9. smiff
    10. torker
    11. villa-ru
    12. mands
    13. Andrew
    14. Ludd
    15. Hoke (with no spokez)
    16. Pavéwell
    17. fussballclub
    18. Thomas
    19. Thomas' +1
    20. Temp
    21. Oliver Schick
    22. Cazakstan
    23. cake
    24. owenreed
    25. nurseholliday
    26. desouz
    27. tonyme
    28. mini Skully
    29. DCI Skully of the Yard
    30. Ultracrepidarian
    31. HoKe
    32. 6pt tbc
    33. jonny
    34. Murrance
    35. Polka Dot
    36. vunugu
    37. Dammit
    38. laner
    39. T4
    40. Davehmercer
    41. A Owl (never met any forum folks, be nice to say hello...)
    42. Temp + 1
    43. Dave4
    44. Seraphinx
    45. Hefty +1
    46. Cafewanda
    47. Dan W
    48. Fenella
    49. OLC
    50. Marco
    51. Toastyoneuk
    52. biarittz (Sam)
    53. biarittz's big sis (Sian)
    54. Cupcakes + 1
    55. middleofnowhere
    56. Ok123
    57. Mikey5000
    58. JD
    59. FreddieF
    60. Jurek
    61. jb000 +1
    62. hugothenord01
    63. picco
    64. jmac (not on here, Skully's pal)
    65. KTBee
    66. Seben04
    67. dooks +1
    68. Cornelius Blackfoot
    69. Rod Munch
    70. Brockley Rueben
    71. absurdbird
  • Was going to wade in with Sham 69, keeping us "kids" united, but things have moved on. Doesn't matter tho, can't think of any particular significance but '71 was a good year.

  • Greetings folks,

    I am delighted that things have moved on. This is a family friendly ride...

    My sister was once chatted up by Jimmy Pursey. She said he was well passed his sell by date.... and that was in the 1980's....

    Great work people,

  • ''No not forum peeps giving it some in lycra....''

    Part 3 - Warning - this one is not for the faint hearted.......

  • Ogod, I'd only just erased that photo from my memory D:

  • Oh dear God!!

    I mean, nice tats! :-)

  • Met Police have contacted me to say they recovered a black Brompton in Islington last October with a London Classic sticker on it. If this is anyone here please PM me and I will forward you on the the handling officer.

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2014-04-06 The London Classic

Posted by Avatar for Zebra_Cyclist @Zebra_Cyclist
