Can you use much higher shutter speeds when using flash with mirrorless cameras?
The shutter operates in 2 ways, below flash sync speed the whole sensor is exposed at once. Above flash sync the sensor is exposed by a slit which moves across the sensor, obviously at high speed. If your flash doesn't have the capacity to pulse instead of flash above the sync speed then you get a small part of the frame exposed.
You need a camera and flash that support high speed sync.
The shutter operates in 2 ways, below flash sync speed the whole sensor is exposed at once. Above flash sync the sensor is exposed by a slit which moves across the sensor, obviously at high speed. If your flash doesn't have the capacity to pulse instead of flash above the sync speed then you get a small part of the frame exposed.
You need a camera and flash that support high speed sync.
TTL works well under sync speeds anyway.
What is the effect you are looking to achieve?