I find this too, essentially I think intervals and high intensity stuff speed up your metabolism for a period if time, I have to be really careful to make sure I have enough fuel on board before and then have a protein shake afterwards which usually sorts me out, but I do find myself doing that at least once a week!
Spot on. I quit the protein shakes, as I was using them for muscle gain. I am thinking of reinstating them as a binge replacement.
^^ I didn't realise those were the rules. I did the same and then had some very boring rice and spinach.
Re: babybels... A colleague told me yesterday that he's never had a babybel. WTF?? How can people survive such a hollow, empty, unfulfilled existence?
This is why I run so far. 800 Cals for the Ben'n'jerrys, followed by a few hundred to lose weight.
Also Babybels taste good with a chunk of out of date chocolate. Or at least they did yesterday.
Spot on. I quit the protein shakes, as I was using them for muscle gain. I am thinking of reinstating them as a binge replacement.
This is why I run so far. 800 Cals for the Ben'n'jerrys, followed by a few hundred to lose weight.
Also Babybels taste good with a chunk of out of date chocolate. Or at least they did yesterday.