I really wish my cat would leave my water alone. If I take a glass of water to bed to drink in the middle of the night, she waits till I'm asleep and either wakes us up by the tingtingtinging of the collar against the glass or I'm blissfully unaware and drink cat water in the morning before Mrs Pun tells me the cat's been at at...
I feel your pain. Happens daily at dinner, so we set a human cup for her at the table, does she use that? Of course not...she waits till one of use goes to get something from the kitchen then violates their drink.
When I was just about to leave for work this morning, her highness jumped into the litter tray, had a dig around and decided to have her wee right outside the tray and the trail was all the way to the living room. No, the little tray isn't dirty, it can't be cleaner. Yes, she knows how to use the litter tray. Yes, she was angry with me coz I unlocked her flap at 8am not 5:30am. And yes, she is the biggest pain at the backside. Cats!!! Who wants them anyway????!!!!??!!!!!
Spare cupboards? Lay down lino floor, insert litter tray/s, cut hole in door, install cat flap, hey presto, no smell ever! Works a charm here. Post dinner traffic is hilarious though.
I feel your pain. Happens daily at dinner, so we set a human cup for her at the table, does she use that? Of course not...she waits till one of use goes to get something from the kitchen then violates their drink.
Spare cupboards? Lay down lino floor, insert litter tray/s, cut hole in door, install cat flap, hey presto, no smell ever! Works a charm here. Post dinner traffic is hilarious though.