Well it was all a bit of blur for me, despite being near the front of the queue on Saturday morning, I think I was over-awed and over-tired.
I found myself passing up on decent gear just because it wasn't exactly what I had come for.
I realised a bit too late that the best technique was to just grab as much as what you can, and filter through your own pile in your own time.
Quite happy with my long sleeve city Randonee Jersey though, but missed out on the Orange/Purple Lombardia Jersey - (I hadn't realised I wanted one until I saw someone holding one!)
Managed to get some 3/4 cross bibs too, but i was I bit disappointed they didn't have the more recent style of jersey, so I might sell them on...
Well it was all a bit of blur for me, despite being near the front of the queue on Saturday morning, I think I was over-awed and over-tired.
I found myself passing up on decent gear just because it wasn't exactly what I had come for.
I realised a bit too late that the best technique was to just grab as much as what you can, and filter through your own pile in your own time.
Quite happy with my long sleeve city Randonee Jersey though, but missed out on the Orange/Purple Lombardia Jersey - (I hadn't realised I wanted one until I saw someone holding one!)
Managed to get some 3/4 cross bibs too, but i was I bit disappointed they didn't have the more recent style of jersey, so I might sell them on...