I've got a few wheel building books on pdf, was wondering if any one could add any good ones to the list?
Gerd Schraner - Art Of Wheel Building
Roger Musson - The Professional Guide to Wheelbuilding
Jobst Brandt - The Bicycle Wheel
David C R Hunt (of DCR Wheels, do pretty good prices on spokes and nipples too) - Bicycle Wheelbuilding - The Manual
I've got a few wheel building books on pdf, was wondering if any one could add any good ones to the list?
Gerd Schraner - Art Of Wheel Building
Roger Musson - The Professional Guide to Wheelbuilding
Jobst Brandt - The Bicycle Wheel
David C R Hunt (of DCR Wheels, do pretty good prices on spokes and nipples too) - Bicycle Wheelbuilding - The Manual