£59.99 is probably about as cheap as you'll find a 24h rear road hub unless you buy Novatec from Taiwan and take a punt on whether you get charged import taxes. Rebuild with DT Comps is likely to be around £40-£60 depending on which shop you go to, and how much of the work you do yourself. If you take the wheel apart and lace it yourself, you'll save some money and learn the first stage of rolling your own, though I wouldn't recommend tensioning a 24h carbon wheel as your first build.
Would this be a worthwhile upgrade on the Planet-X for £8 or is it much the same? I can't see a stated weight for the PX but this looks good.
Would this be a worthwhile upgrade on the Planet-X for £8 or is it much the same? I can't see a stated weight for the PX but this looks good.