Not a particularly nice or interesting shot but exposed nicely.
Quite dark room and neopan 400 film.
Most annoying this about the nikon for me is that it'll use shutterspeeds lower than I can manage to hold still, whereas the ricoh only goes down to 1/30, I'd rather have a slightly underexposed image than a blurred one that I can't use at all.
Looks good, I got my 35ti too and find it exposes perfectly, don't have any proper shots from it on my laptop I don't think, a few nice prints though.
Not sure I love it more than the gr1 though, it's close.
Edit: Found one
Untitled by 40 skid patches, on Flickr
Not a particularly nice or interesting shot but exposed nicely.
Quite dark room and neopan 400 film.
Most annoying this about the nikon for me is that it'll use shutterspeeds lower than I can manage to hold still, whereas the ricoh only goes down to 1/30, I'd rather have a slightly underexposed image than a blurred one that I can't use at all.