Been a couple of years since I've shot any film, bar a couple of rolls here and there, taken from the tub of expired film in the fridge. Starting to take stock now ahead of a forthcoming trip to the Canadian wilds, and somehow high street price for decent 135 film is £10!
Anyone got any links (except for the obvious ebay etc) for cheap/expired film?
Will consider taking medium format if 120 film shows itself to have remained cheaper per frame.
Don't have any photos to post, but there's some old'uns here...
Hey, film can be had cheap if you look out for it, even the decent stuff.
Ektar 100 can be had for under a fiver in central london, portra for around £8.
Head to poundland for mega cheap vista plus, I've had no problems using this and for only £1 per 24 exposure roll it's worth having some lying about, if you want some and don't have a poundland local then lemme know.
Hey, film can be had cheap if you look out for it, even the decent stuff.
Ektar 100 can be had for under a fiver in central london, portra for around £8.
Head to poundland for mega cheap vista plus, I've had no problems using this and for only £1 per 24 exposure roll it's worth having some lying about, if you want some and don't have a poundland local then lemme know.