Been a couple of years since I've shot any film, bar a couple of rolls here and there, taken from the tub of expired film in the fridge. Starting to take stock now ahead of a forthcoming trip to the Canadian wilds, and somehow high street price for decent 135 film is £10!
Anyone got any links (except for the obvious ebay etc) for cheap/expired film?
Will consider taking medium format if 120 film shows itself to have remained cheaper per frame.
Don't have any photos to post, but there's some old'uns here...
Been a couple of years since I've shot any film, bar a couple of rolls here and there, taken from the tub of expired film in the fridge. Starting to take stock now ahead of a forthcoming trip to the Canadian wilds, and somehow high street price for decent 135 film is £10!
Anyone got any links (except for the obvious ebay etc) for cheap/expired film?
Will consider taking medium format if 120 film shows itself to have remained cheaper per frame.
Don't have any photos to post, but there's some old'uns here...