The exposures look so nice. But I think I'm going to get a - pretty much entirely for the second battery. If I end up doing much off road I'll get some sort of Exposure for the helmet.
The exposures look so nice. But I think I'm going to get a -
pretty much entirely for the second battery.
If I end up doing much off road I'll get some sort of Exposure for the helmet.
£150 a lot of money for a 3 emitter 2 cell light.
Wouldn't you rather buy three Magicshine clones for less than £20 each posted from any UK ebay seller? 1 Cree XM-L T6, 4 cells.
@Emyr started
London Fixed Gear and Single-Speed is a community of predominantly fixed gear and single-speed cyclists in and around London, UK.
This site is supported almost exclusively by donations. Please consider donating a small amount regularly.
£150 a lot of money for a 3 emitter 2 cell light.
Wouldn't you rather buy three Magicshine clones for less than £20 each posted from any UK ebay seller? 1 Cree XM-L T6, 4 cells.