I've got a trickle charging smart charger which you can leave wired up to the bike all the time. It's pretty good, but it can be a bit of a faff late at night rummaging about under the seat in a dark garage to find the right wire.
I also have an emergency battery which I got from maplin. It was about £25 and it's brilliant, it lasts for ages when it's charged up, has jump leads already fixed to it and is pretty much idiot proof. It also has a built in pump for inflating tyres. It just sits on the shelf in the garage until I need to use it.
I've got a trickle charging smart charger which you can leave wired up to the bike all the time. It's pretty good, but it can be a bit of a faff late at night rummaging about under the seat in a dark garage to find the right wire.
I also have an emergency battery which I got from maplin. It was about £25 and it's brilliant, it lasts for ages when it's charged up, has jump leads already fixed to it and is pretty much idiot proof. It also has a built in pump for inflating tyres. It just sits on the shelf in the garage until I need to use it.