There's nowhere to hide things in a Mini. I don't know how small a tracker is, but I'd assume it's easy to identify and remove in a car with so little in the way of electronics.
I'd start with a decent alarm immobiliser, an internal bonnet release conversion, and a Disklok to provide physical security and a visible deterrent.
Older cars are very easy to break into. Mini locks are completely unprotected and a bit shit, which makes them an opportunist's target too. Therefore making it look hard to steal and stopping them driving away is the priority.
There's nowhere to hide things in a Mini. I don't know how small a tracker is, but I'd assume it's easy to identify and remove in a car with so little in the way of electronics.
I'd start with a decent alarm immobiliser, an internal bonnet release conversion, and a Disklok to provide physical security and a visible deterrent.
Older cars are very easy to break into. Mini locks are completely unprotected and a bit shit, which makes them an opportunist's target too. Therefore making it look hard to steal and stopping them driving away is the priority.