I have a gore oxygen jacket, it is super waterproof, and just about fits in my back pocket - out of interest what in the Rapha back catalogue is it supposed to compete with?
Everyone raves about the PTJ, but what would it offer me the Oxygen doesn't apart from it looking a bit nicer?
Equivalent would be the Rain Jacket I think, which might be a bit more stuff-able but not much.
Where as the Oxygen is designed to be waterproof first, the PTJ is designed to keep you warm, which should let all the moisture breath out. It is not a 'waterproof' jacket
Equivalent would be the Rain Jacket I think, which might be a bit more stuff-able but not much.
Where as the Oxygen is designed to be waterproof first, the PTJ is designed to keep you warm, which should let all the moisture breath out. It is not a 'waterproof' jacket