11 miles today jogging/crawling around the southwest coast path has taken me to 32.9 miles, I ran straight into the sea up to my waist for an instant ice bath!
It's left me frustratingly short of 33 miles in three runs, tomorrow will be Port Isaac to Tintagel and back circa 18 miles, which should get me to 50 miles for the week, i love running in the slushy mud around here!
11 miles today jogging/crawling around the southwest coast path has taken me to 32.9 miles, I ran straight into the sea up to my waist for an instant ice bath!
It's left me frustratingly short of 33 miles in three runs, tomorrow will be Port Isaac to Tintagel and back circa 18 miles, which should get me to 50 miles for the week, i love running in the slushy mud around here!