"Hold on a minute sir, whilst I prepare your homeopathic remedy" turns on tap! fills glass with water, hands to patient. "There you go!"
Most homeopathic remedies are diluted by 90% around 60 times. At this dilution, you would have to drink 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of homeopathic remedy to get one molecule of active ingredient, this is 10 billion times the volume of the earth in liquid remedy. In the volumes that you would be ingesting, you will not get any ingredient. No active ingredient, no physiological response, no remedy.
Ok so homeopathy isn't immoral like the anti-immunisation lot but it is unethical.
Just saying.
interestingly if the water remembers the toxin that is no longer in it, it's also going to remember being peed out by Julius Cesar as the odds are about the same that you are drinking water that went through his body.