Basically, the whole world is a fucking 'light field'. Many a student has wandered into it with a basic SLR and a 50mm lens wide open, gawping at how they have this new magic 'possibility' to selectively focus on things and leave everything else all nice and creamy and blurry like.
Then, six months have passed and their Photography tutor is fucking sick to death of them showing up at crits with pictures only shot at f1.8.
Basically, the whole world is a fucking 'light field'. Many a student has wandered into it with a basic SLR and a 50mm lens wide open, gawping at how they have this new magic 'possibility' to selectively focus on things and leave everything else all nice and creamy and blurry like.
Then, six months have passed and their Photography tutor is fucking sick to death of them showing up at crits with pictures only shot at f1.8.