• #2127
Decoration? A touch of green in an otherwise unforgiving urban landscape?
• #2128
determining the fictional age sex and location of the sweaty old man posing as a young woman in an online chatroom?
• #2129
21/f/lesbos btw
• #2130
More like one of these
• #2131
That LTDA video makes me more determined to set up my own unbiased* study.
Pick a busy rush hour junction, rig up a cheap camera or my Raspberry Pi
Then collect it & review the results to see how many cyclists jumped the lights vs cars and work out the %'s and see which group is the worst offender.
*If the results are not in the cyclists favour, I'll just pick out all the cabs running the lights/stopping in the ASLs and use that in the final edit.
• #2132
I just shouted RED at two police officers on horses who rode through a red light at the end of my road, they ignored me.
Horses can do what they want
• #2133
They can't knit.
• #2134
They don't want to.
• #2135
They have done something we all want to though.
http://www.theguardian.com/music/2013/nov/29/dappy-ndubz-kicked-face-horse -
• #2136
Someone get a camera and film the same number of minutes worth of riders stopping at red lights. Then demand it be published by the same twats or you'll send it to the commission for unbiased reporting. I may be making this up.
Even better would be the same number of minutes of cabbies breaking the law.
• #2137
(This thread isn't an attempt to be provocative. In recent days I have contemplated changing my views on RLJ.)
Given all the debate over red light jumping I am looking for experiences from those who don't jump lights.
I want to hear your experiences - better or worse / pros or cons - when not jumping? Do you feel safer/less stressed/etc?
This is not a thread to discuss the merits of either. It is to describe the cycle journey when obeying this part of the highway code.
• #2138
It's nice to take a brief break and take in the surroundings without pulling over.
• #2139
I like reading bus adverts while inhaling some of London's finest exhaust fumes.
• #2140
Trackstanding practice, innit
• #2141
I like it because I get to talk to motorists that stop too
• #2142
Often next to you?
• #2143
I only stop so that I can pop in a fresh mint and adjust my headphones.
• #2144
It's also quite difficult to roll a cigarette whist riding, so stopping helps me out loads.
• #2145
Stop for shots, usually rum.
• #2146
Given all the debate over red light jumping I am looking for experiences from those who don't jump lights.
I want to hear your experiences - better or worse / pros or cons - when not jumping? Do you feel safer/less stressed/etc?
This is not a thread to discuss the merits of either. It is to describe the cycle journey when obeying this part of the highway code.
It sounds like you don't have first-hand experience of not RLJing. It would be very easy to get some.
• #2147
I feel more smug.
• #2148
Stopping at red lights helps stop me becoming 2D under a car/bus/lorry. I enjoy being 3D
• #2149
Conformity turns me on.
• #2150
Trackstanding practice, innit
Gives me a chance to catch up with Dammit and learn how to track stand/fall over
I love that cyclists bring up ASLs in London.
Not many of 'em know what they're for. ;)