My 10 miler was really enjoyable today. was testing out a belt I bought on the cheap from sweatshop for 4 quid when I got the new garmin as I realise I need to start working on my fueling now I'm about to start going over the 10 mile mark on my long runs. wasn't particularly keen on running with a full water bottle bouncing around on my hip but after a few hundred yards I settled into my stride and it was fine for the rest of the run.
I took a full waterbottle with a nuun tablet in it (tropical for the detail oriented) and had a banoffee gel thing tucked into the little gel loop. and I think it worked out about right for the run.
I set out pretty fast considering it was a long run but was I struggling to rein in my pace and slow it down and eventually gave up trying as i felt pretty comfortable running between 8:30 and 9:00 min/mile pace so I went on feel instead. must have worked as I pretty much kept up 9:00 min/mile for the whole distance.
when I hit mile six I stopped for a few seconds, gulped down the gel and began drinking from my water bottle and it seemed to be perfect timing as I'd felt myself starting to slow ever so slightly but within a couple of minutes I was feeling fresh again and ready to just keep going.
had planned my route to stop nearish to sainsburys so after the 10 miles I had a slow (11:30 min/mile) jog to the supermarket to cool down by which point my right calve was super tight but not really hurting as such. I bought some ice and a bag of fresh pasta and headed home.
Did some quick stretching then hopped into an ice bath while my dinner was cooking then wolfed down a massive bowl of pasta with cajun chicken, sour cream and guacamole.
Now sitting here with a full belly feeling pretty good about myself.
10k race next saturday so will be taking it a bit easier this week.
Top work there, and good info as I'm gonna start hitting the 10 mile mark soon as well. Been pondering belts, might get one as well
Top work there, and good info as I'm gonna start hitting the 10 mile mark soon as well. Been pondering belts, might get one as well