Thought these two clips shed some light on the nature of the new phasing.
I think it would be pretty ambiguous the first time you encounter it. I don't use it often enough to know what it is really like, but I would still probably opt for the second technique as that is what I am used to and feel comfortable doing - ie sharing the space with the other traffic.
Is that wrong considering all the investment in segregation?
Ambiguity at Bow Roundabout - new cycle lights - RLJ? (Westbound) - YouTube
recorded 1 November 2013
One way of dealing with the Bow Roundabout segregation lights Westbound - YouTube
recorded 6 November 2013
Thought these two clips shed some light on the nature of the new phasing.
I think it would be pretty ambiguous the first time you encounter it. I don't use it often enough to know what it is really like, but I would still probably opt for the second technique as that is what I am used to and feel comfortable doing - ie sharing the space with the other traffic.
Is that wrong considering all the investment in segregation?