I'm not overly worried about power data above that my powercal guesses at. For all my bikes. It has the plus that I use it for everying. So at least my data is consistantly out. On the fixed and SS, I dont have an awful lot to consider other than total output over a decent period of time. So powercal'll be fine.
The BMC need moar things though.....
A big part of wanting the newer version is that I want to continue aero Q-rings. I dontr particulary want to have to go through a warranty claim, and have to explain dremeling the battery compartment.
I'm not overly worried about power data above that my powercal guesses at. For all my bikes. It has the plus that I use it for everying. So at least my data is consistantly out. On the fixed and SS, I dont have an awful lot to consider other than total output over a decent period of time. So powercal'll be fine.
The BMC need moar things though.....
A big part of wanting the newer version is that I want to continue aero Q-rings. I dontr particulary want to have to go through a warranty claim, and have to explain dremeling the battery compartment.