further to my Police stop and subsequent charge with driving without insurance (not having commuting on my policy) I'm pleading not guilty and waiting for an intermediate diet (trial they do in Scotland that assesses if all of the information/evidence/witnesses is/are in place in advance of proper trial) date.
My solicitor is pinning it on one key piece of information in the citation - the Police officer states that he spoke to my insurance company and they advised that they would not indemnify me
He states categorically that this is not true. They would refer to the Motor Insurers Bureau who would indemnify
Fingers crossed a *letter to the Procurator Fiscal is all it will take
further to my Police stop and subsequent charge with driving without insurance (not having commuting on my policy) I'm pleading not guilty and waiting for an intermediate diet (trial they do in Scotland that assesses if all of the information/evidence/witnesses is/are in place in advance of proper trial) date.
My solicitor is pinning it on one key piece of information in the citation - the Police officer states that he spoke to my insurance company and they advised that they would not indemnify me
He states categorically that this is not true. They would refer to the Motor Insurers Bureau who would indemnify
Fingers crossed a *letter to the Procurator Fiscal is all it will take
*a fcuking expensive one at that